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Oh look! Another fandom! Another fanfic! #cantstopwontstop. Anyways! I know flashpoint ended a while ago but I recently watched all 5 seasons of its pure glory on Netflix and fell in love and couldn't NOT write a fanfic for it so I hope you enjoy.

- @taylorann_1426

Do you want to know what my life's like? Well let me give you a sneak peak. When I was 8 years old my mother and father were killed in a bomb set off by the local mob because my father was on there hit list. I was not at home at time. The only thing that saved me from going into the foster system was a detective named Greg Parker. He got me out of class and told me all that happened, apparently he had been close with my father since they worked on the force together. After the whole situation, Parker took me home with him and ended up adopting me. 16 years later at the age of 24, I was standing in the locker room at the SRU changing for my first day on the job.

Sure, my father had tried to keep me away from his job after he joined up with the SRU, but I was fascinated. I did not want the thing that happened that night, to happen to anyone else. I learned everything I could from him, and went on my first ride along when I was 14. By the time I was 18 and off to collage, I knew what I wanted my life to become. My father on the other hand, hoped I'd not become a bomb tech. If anything, he thought I would go off to get a degree in psychology and replace him as a negotiator when he retired. Three years ago I came back from collage and started off working the desk, but by now, I was the best of the best. My father was hesitant to let me even sign up, so when I tried sneaking it around his nose and he caught me.....Well, let's just say it DID NOT go well at all. That was, until his boss saw my qualification papers and talked to my father about it.

*present tense*

Here I am now on my first day as officer Scarlatti's right hand and part of tactical. "Newbie, what's up?" I hear Sam Braddock ask from behind me. Turns out, all the guys except Spike and my dad were behind me. "You guys trying to figure out a way to haze me into the group?" I say chuckling. I had overheard them talking about it a minute ago. One idea was to put cream cheese in my boots. "Nah. Us? Come on, boss wants us in the briefing room." He states. "I wouldn't mess with her Sam, that's the boss's daughter." I hear Ed say to him from behind me. "Wait what?" I hear Sam respond. "That would be correct. Better watch out army boy." I say turning around and smirking. "I will." Sam says chuckling and smiling back. We walk into the briefing room and my dad and Spike are already there. "Wondered when you all would show up." My dad states. "Taylor, I see you've met your teammates." He adds. "Yes sir." I state nodding. "It's time to get to work." He says clapping his hands together and smiling at all of us.

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