One Off - Part 3

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Hey guys! I'm sorry this was so late after the other two, I have had a busy summer and no motivation for this. It is done though now! I hope you like it! You can also always follow me on AO3 as well under taylorann_1426!

"Thank you for having me over." I said to Ed and his wife.

"It's the least we could do!" Sophie smiled, as she placed lunch on the table.

"He'll be okay." Ed reassured me.

I picked at my lunch, trying to block out the thought of Spike in the hospital, the long recovery ahead of him, and if he will actually get his full memory back.

"Taylor." Ed stated.


"You need to eat up. I know you are still worried, but the doctor will have answers probably soon." Ed said.

I nodded slowly, we finished lunch and then Ed made me shower and take a nap in the guest room.

That night I went back to the hospital with Ed.

Spike's doctor came over to us, "We think that Spike has retrograde amnesia from what has happened. Now, we aren't certain, but it should go away over the next month or so. Some things might still be foggy after that. It will take time."

I hugged Ed, relieved that Spike might remember me again.

Over the next month, Spike went home. I took care of him, helped him, and even though he didn't remember me yet, I made a friend along the way. He even flirted with me, and I'd have to remind him that we were already married. I didn't push the subject though of our relationship, I let it just happen. It had been two months when I was walking downstairs and heard Spike wake up from an afternoon nap.

"Taylor! TAYLOR!" He yelled.

I rushed quickly down to see what was wrong. He just came over and kissed me. "Oh I was a fool. I remember you. I remember everything....I had a dream that we were hurt and...I though I lost you and...." he trailed on.

"Spike breath." I cooed, gently brushing my hand against his face.

He started crying and I comforted him. "Oh Spikey, it's alright. I'm here. You're here. We are safe. I love you so much." I said. I held him in my arms as we relaxed on the couch that evening.

One month later, we returned to work, but I could tell Spike was different in some way, he wasn't excited as much about hot calls. His hands would shake. Even though he passed all the tests and the psych evaluation again, he was not the same. That's when we both made the decision to leave the SRU. It was better for the both of us.


Three years later...

"What are you doing? George get back here! Michelangelo Jr! Don't do that!" I yelled.

Spike chucked. "Oh let them be. They are just exploring." He said holding me in his arms.

"You're right I worry to much..." I sigh.

"You are being a caring mother. Now why don't we enjoy the beautiful day at the lake hm?" He asked.

I nodded in agreement, that's when Ed hopped out of an SUV along with Sophie and the kids. Greg got out as well with Dean. Sam and Jules pulled up. Everyone came over with different BBQ stuff. We enjoyed the afternoon by the lake with Team 1. Even if we weren't apart of it anymore, or some of us were retired. We would always be a team.

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