Chapter 19 - part 1

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"" I ask with wide eyes, kneeling over the dying mans body. "Hey kiddo. Daddy loves ya. I'm so proud of you. I'm so sorry." He says putting a hand on my cheek. Blood starts slowly coming out of the side of his mouth. "Taylor. The paramedics are here." I hear my dad, the boss say. The man lying in front of me is my real father. Alive. Yet dying again, but this time in front of me. He'd lived and gotten picked up by the witness protection program. He'd lived. Now I watch as my dad smiles one last time and takes his last breath. A quiet sob escapes and the next thing I know, I'm being gently pried off my real father by Ed and Spike. The boss...the man that has taken care of me all these years....stands back again and to the side watching the whole ordeal. "He's dead already." I whisper as the paramedics check my dad's pulse. Spike holds me and I just hug him. No tears come out because I can't process it. A month ago Spike and I got married and today I'd found out my real father is alive and has been the entire time. My mother is not though, and that makes it even sadder.

*that morning*

"Alright team! We have a change in pace today. You want to know what we will be doing?" The boss asks. "Is it going to be a training day?" Sam asks putting down his weights. "Please don't be a training day. We had one last week." I groan. "No it's not a training day. I talked Ed out of that." The boss says. "Yes!" Spike says smiling. "Oh don't get too excited now. Today we have to do a security detail for a protection program person. He will be coming in 30 minutes so get showered and changed. I don't know who it is yet, but we will be on the detail all day." The boss says.

Leah, Jules and I head off the women's locker room, while all the guys head to there locker room/weapons locker. "I wonder who it's going to be." Leah says as we all get changed after each showering. "Maybe it's a woman." I shrug. "Or a guy. Normally we get guys." Jules points out. "We will just have to see." I say shutting my locker and pulling on my jacket and tac vest. "I do have to say I love the black uniforms better than the grey." Leah says. "Why's that?" I ask. "Just seems more sleek that's all." She points out. I roll my eyes. "Let's go. I bet the guys think we are having some sort of gossip party." Jules chuckles.

And so they were because as soon as we all walk out Ed, Sam, and Spike are standing waiting for us along with the boss. "Is there a party we didn't get invited to?" Sam jokes. "A party? You wouldn't be invited even if we did have one army boy. Girls only." I laugh and then stop as I hear everyone else stop. Turning my head I see everyone looking at our witness protection program person. It was a man, about 6 ft, blonde hair, blue eyes, and definitely in shape. "Guys, meet Thomas Williams." My dad says. I grab the file to look at his actual name and background and have to do a double take. The man's real name in the file is Daniel Stone.

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