Chapter 15 - part 2

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*based off of the episode Blue on Blue. Loosely. I sorta mixed episodes and added in my own flare*

"I'm here to pick up Kat." I say knocking. "Come inside." A male voice says over a speaker system. I sigh and come inside. "Hey. You okay?" I ask her walking over to see her. She has a bruise on the side of her face. "Yeah. Let's just go..." She says. The next thing I know there is a gun trained on both of us as we turn around. "Thank you Kat." The guy says. "Officer Taylor Stone. Badge number 4396. Second demolition and tactical technician for Team one of the SRU." He states now turning to me. "That's a lot of knowledge you have there. But it is common place knowledge." I point out, keeping a calm expression on my face. I am not a great negotiator, but I am going to have to try my best. 

"You're going to help my group of friends, or your friend Kat here dies. Got it?" The guy orders, glaring over at Katrina. I give Kat a, 'It's going to be alright'  look and then turn to face the guy again. "Well may I at least have a name?" I ask. "David." He states glaring at me now. "Now sit down." He orders, motioning with his gun to a chair on the other side of the room with three computers set up. "Tie her up." David orders his friend. Kat gets tied to a chair near me and is about to get duck taped when I ask calmly, "Do you really think the duck tape is necessary?" I get hit in the face with the gun and shock hits me for a second. My lip starts bleeding. You're going to have to do better than this Taylor. "What do you want me to do?" I ask as David cuffs me and ties me to the chair. "You're going to help us break into this place." David says pressing a button on the keyboard. In front of me is a picture of the Metro Police (Toronto Police) Evidence Depot aka the hardest place in Toronto to break into or even hack. "You want me to break into here?" I ask giving a look at David and his friend. "I've already set up a private VPN with a secure network and all you have to do is get us through and out with your skills." David's friend says. "If you're so good why don't you just do it?" I ask his friend. David goes to hit me again and his friend stops him. "We don't have time. Let's start this." His friend states. I do as told since Kat has a gun pointed at her head and try to talk with them, hoping all those times I'd practiced at the station and with my dad and watched my dad on hot calls would help and come through for me. I get to the second door keypad of the depot, and activate the alarm, hoping that David wouldn't suspect I did it and it is just them typing in the wrong password like I have told them to so I can find the right password. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" David yells to his friends on the other line of the coms. He was also pacing and looking over at me. "Look. The password must have been one you could only type in once before it sets the alarm off. Your friends intel must have been off. Tell them to fire at the fire alarm with there guns. Protocol states that officers are suppose to fall back and wait for instructions from SRU or higher up officers. This will let them get through because now all the doors are open." I say calmly. "Shoot the fire alarm." David says to his friends. Then he glares at me. "You better be right. But now the SRU are going to be coming." David growls. "And guess who you have here to help you! An SRU officer. I know them because I am one of them." I state.

*meanwhile at the station*

"Team one! Someone's tried to get into the Metro Evidence Depot." Winnie says sounding the alarm for a hot call. "The evidence depot?" Ed asks confused. "That things a fortress boss who would try to get into there?" Spike asks incredulously. "And on Valentine's Day of all times." Jules points out. They all hop into the SUVs and drive the short way to downtown to the evidence depot.

When they get into the control room they all stare in shock and disbelief at the completely messed up server area and all the computers showing messed up screens. "Someone cracked into the evidence depot like it was a candy store." Ed says looking around.

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