Chapter 22 - part 2

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"SRU! Hands in the air! Drop the weapons!" Ed orders. I had stayed in the SUV with the James (the husband) and wife. We found the building the subjects had taken James Paker's son to. It was out of town a ways and near this old creek which had a factory that used to produce steel. "We have the kid." Raf says over the com to me. Raf escorts the kid to the SUV and I open the door to let him in to meet with his parents, then walk back over to join the team. "How's the arm?" Sam asks casually, we are all standing near enough to the van to watch the family, but far enough to give them space. "Good." I say nodding.

We finish with the call and file all the paperwork and then head onto our next hot call. It's Christmas Eve which means lots of people shopping. It also means more hot calls. Our next call Winnie tells us is at the Yorktown shopping mall. "Suspicious package was found in Santa's "shed." Winnie states. "Copy that Winnie." The boss says. "Can you have someone send Babycakes and the command truck?" Spike asks reading over the files we were both sent. "Will do Spikey." Winnie says. We continue driving. "I think we should both go inside for this one. It's an interesting package. All Christmas like. I wonder what the inside looks like." I state to Spike. "Agreed. But if it's chained down. I think we aren't going to like the actual bomb. If it even is one..." Spike mutters.

"Sam. Raf. You two are on evacuation. Jules with me. Ed, go inside with Spike and Taylor. See if you can maybe find some clues before they make you leave." The boss chuckles. "Copy that." We all say. We all hop out of the SUVs. "So what do we have you two?" Ed asks once we are set up and scanning the package with Babycakes. "It's a bomb." I state plainly still finish the scan. "It's not a fake. It's definitely a IED. Thankfully the chains are just to make us think it's worse than it looks on the inside. " Spike adds looking over my shoulder. "Can you disarm it from here with the water cannon?" Ed asks. "I actually think we can. What about you Spike?" I ask. "We are going to disarm the bomb with the water cannon boss." Spike states over the com. "Copy that Spike." The boss states. "Be careful." He adds. Ed stands back and we position Babycakes at the right distance to disarm it. The thing explodes and grass and a bunch of random stuff falls out. "A stuffed animal?" Ed asks confused seeing one in the small amount of wreckage. I just shrug.

We finish the clean up on it and then head back to the station. It's 7 PM by the time we get there. We have a quick meeting and then I go get showered and changed. Then I meet Spike near the front desk. "Have a great Christmas Spike and Taylor." Winnie says smiling. "Thanks Winnie. You too." I say. We all have the day off tomorrow since we didn't get it off last year. Teams rotate every year, so this year it's team one's turn. "Let's go." Spike says putting an arm around me and kissing my cheek. "How's the ribs?" I ask Spike. "Così così." Spike mumbles. "So so. I see."  I state, translating Spike's Italian. When he is tired he sometimes slips into Italian. Even with my shoulder hurting, I drive home and we get to our place. Then I drag Spike inside and we both collapse on the couch, not even caring about dinner at the moment.

*In the morning*

I wake up to Christmas music softly playing and a bunch of whispered talking. "Well look who's finally up." I think my dad says, I haven't opened my eyes yet. When I do, I find my dad and Dean putting stuff on a Christmas tree and placing decorations around the house as well. "Wha..." I mumble. I check the clock. It's 8AM. "I know Spike and you love Christmas and get up early so I thought Dean and I would come over around 7, but you two were asleep, so I am about to go get you guys breakfast when I realize the sorry state of this place. No Christmas tree. No Christmas lights?" My dad asks. "We've been busy..." I say turning to a still asleep Spike, I run a hand through his hair. "Well it's a good thing we came then to fix it." My dad states. An hour later Spike, Dean, my dad and I all eat breakfast and open presents and talk as it starts to snow outside.

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