Chapter 19 - part 2

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"Taylor what is it?" Spike asks. The boss grabs the file gently from me and looks at the page I am on. "Why aren't you freaking out?" I ask turning around to face the boss, my dad. "You knew." I say, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks in the face. "I got approval to adopt you after your father knew he'd have to go into the program. He knew that I'd take care of you well. I've known for a long time, but I did not know until a while ago that we'd have to be his escort today okay? We are going to have to put personal issues behind us and do our job. Copy that?" The boss says. I sigh and nod. "That is your real dad?" Spike asks looking from me to the man in front of us and back to me again. All I can do is nod.

Ed, Sam, Jules and Leah also give odd looks. There are whispered arguments and statements between them and then they turn back to face "Mr. Williams." The man clears his throat and then stretches out his hand towards the boss, they shake hands. "Thank you for taking over my detail today.
The two people normally on my detail had a vacation to go on and the replacements were busy." He says. "It's no problem. It's a good change in pace from what we normally do." The boss says. Williams shakes hands with the entire team, when he gets to me I shake his hand, but feel like I should be angry. I can't though, I have to be part of this detail and need my emotions in check. I was going to show the boss that I could do this with no problems. "I'm sorry." Williams whispers has he does shake my hand. I look him in the eyes and then head off to make sure we have the SUVs all packed.

"We should get going. Wouldn't want you to be late to your meeting now would we?" Ed says trying to break the ice. Williams nods and the rest of the team head to the garage to meet up with me. I am grateful that the boss tells me to go in the first car with Spike and him while Ed and Sam take the middle with Williams in it. It will give me time to calm down and collect myself for the rest of the day. Leah and Jules take the last car of the detail and we head off towards town.

The boss keeps looking over at me, probably trying to read if I'm alright or not. "I should have told you, but it was for your own safety as well as his. You couldn't know he was alive Taylor. He would have had to be relocated even farther away." He says. "He was here in Toronto this entire time?" I just mutter, it wasn't really a question that needed answering, but of one of disbelief. "I bet you are glad he's alive." Spike says. I nod and focus on driving again.

We get to the business building without any problems and I hop out with everyone so we an survey the area to make sure it's safe and clear. Jules and Leah stay with Williams to keep him safe while we do it. "It's all clear. Areas secure. We can take eagle one inside." Ed says over the coms. We get Williams inside and then up to the meeting. The entire time I stand guard with Spike outside the door and the rest of team keep tabs on him. It is going great until we step outside of the building and hear a gun shot ring out. The whole area is secure, how could someone have gotten in the building? We had Leah and Jules checking the roof every 15 minutes and we had Ed and Sam walking the length of the building.

I turn around to see who had gotten hit since I'd been in the front of the detail, the bullet  missed Sam by a milimeter and hit Williams, my dad, right in the chest near the heart. We get behind the SUV and Ed and Sam head off to find the subject. I grab the piece of clothing Spike hands me and put it over William's gun shot wound. I can tell my dad is calling the paramedics over the com and slightly notice that Ed and Sam had caught the subject, but it is all a blur.

"" I ask with wide eyes, kneeling over the dying mans body. "Hey kiddo. Daddy loves ya. I'm so proud of you. I'm so sorry." He says putting a hand on my cheek. Blood starts slowly coming out of the side of his mouth. "Taylor. The paramedics are here." I hear my dad, the boss say. The man lying in front of me is my real father. Alive. Yet dying again, but this time in front of me. He'd lived and gotten picked up by the witness protection program. He'd lived. Now I watch as my dad smiles one last time and takes his last breath. A quiet sob escapes and the next thing I know, I'm being gently pried off my real father by Ed and Spike. The boss...the man that has taken care of me all these years....stands back again and to the side watching the whole ordeal. "He's dead already." I whisper as the paramedics check my dad's pulse. Spike holds me and I just hug him. No tears come out because I can't process it. A month ago Spike and I got married and today I'd found out my real father is alive and has been the entire time. My mother is not though, and that makes it even sadder.

They take his body away and we head back to the station. I shower, change and try and get the blood of off me. "You know, hydrogen peroxide does wonders getting blood off." Spike says walking into the women's locker room. I jump slightly. "Spike. You can't just walk into here....." I start. "Don't worry. I knew Jules and Leah were out and they told me you were dressed." He chuckles. "How are you holding up?" He asks. "Good. It's not like I just lost my father. Again." I point out. "Let's go get a drink at the Goose. The rest of the team are going." He says. I nod and head off with him.

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