Chapter 22 - part 1

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"Not so fast." Ed states, putting his hand up in front of Spike and I, we had just walked into the station. Jules and Sam are snickering down the hallway, behind Ed. Ed points up above us and I follow his finger. Up above us is some freshly hung mistletoe. Before I can even turn back to laugh at Ed, Spike grabs me by my jacket collar and pulls me into a kiss. Raf and the boss walk out of the men's locker room as this is happening. "Now that's a kiss." Ed smirks. "I have to say that topped ours." Jules points out to Sam. "Want a redo?" Sam smirks. The hot call alarm sounds, bringing me back to reality. "Wow." I say to Spike. "Wanted to make it worth wild." He says with a huge grin on his face. I head off to change quickly and so does Spike.

"What's the call Winnie?" The boss asks. "Robbery in progress at the JP Bank downtown. Unis (cops) are requesting SRU." Winnie states. "Copy that Winnie. Let's go team." Ed says starting to jog off to the garage. We pack the SUV's and I hop in with Spike and Raf. Ed and Sam take the middle SUV. Jules and the boss are in the first one. "Give us the details Winnie." The boss says as we drive off. "10 hostages. Two subjects. They came into the bank at 8:35 this morning and ordered the teller to give them 3 million in cash. No one has gotten there names yet, but Unis are working on it." Winnie states. "Copy that Winnie." The boss states. We arrive on scene and hop out. Sirens are blaring and unis are still arriving on scene.

"Inspector." The boss says shaking Stainton's hand. "Sergeant Parker." The inspector says. The inspector fills the boss in more on what's happening and I head to the command truck with Spike to get cameras going and what not. Ed and the boss get into the command truck and Jules, Sam and Raf wait outside for orders. "I'll start negotiations. If this doesn't work out, I want you to plan a infiltration to extract the hostages and take down the subjects if need be, okay?" The boss asks Ed. Ed nods and leaves. "Jules. I want you in the van to help me figure out more about our subjects." The boss adds over the com.

30 minutes later, the boss is talking with the subjects still. We find out that the couple is actually the owners of the bank, or well, the husband is the owner. There daughter had been taken hostage and the hostage takers had ordered for them to do this and get them 3 million or they would kill the kid. Only one problem, the boss can't get the couple to trust him. Trust is key in negotiations. Boss thinks it has something to do with having tunnel vision because they are so focused on there kid and would do anything to save him.

"We could use rubber bullets and take them down and then try and help them get there kid back. If we find the kid we find the hostage takers." Sam points out, we were all squeezed inside the command truck now, thinking over a plan. "How do we know we can even trust them?" Raf points out. "They do have a son and he was suppose to go to school this morning on the bus, but never showed up to class." I say reading from the computer. "Look. We found the ransom call on the wife's phone, the caller can't be traced though. Probably used a burner phone so we couldn't find them." Spike states. "How do we know it's a group. Just trust the subjects?" Jules asks. "It's all we can do right now." The boss says, leaning against the wall of the command truck, thinking the whole situation over. "So it's a plan then. We go in and get the hostages out safely and corner the subjects and take them down safely. Got it?" Ed states. We all nod. "Spike, Max, Raf. Beta team. Jules, Sam and I will be Alpha." Ed states. "Let's move out." Ed orders.

We get inside the bank and Jules and Raf work on getting hostages out while the boss talks over the phone and tries to distract the subjects, who have to go in another room to talk to him. Bad news though, the wife sees Spike and I sneaking up and starts shooting at us, hitting Spike in the vest once and hitting me in the shoulder. Sam gets behind the wife and disarms her, then cuffs her. The husband is detained by Ed. Jules helps me up and Raf helps Spike up. After getting fixed up by EMS, I get into the SUV with Spike again and we head off with the rest of the team and the husband and wife to find the son and actual subjects.

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