Chapter 16 - part 2

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I'll be busy the next two days or so camping with family, but I do get wifi at the RV park so I'm hoping I'll be able to post a chapter a day while I'm there! Anyways. Here is chapter 16 - part 2, I hope you enjoy it.

Update - The wifi isn't working well. So I am going to post this today but I'll get back to civilization Sunday afternoon and then post more then!
- @taylorann_1426

"The boss is on his way's going to take 3 hours." Ed says hopping in the SUV with me. I nod. "Sam and I are Alpha team, Spike and Taylor will be Beta team and working on finding and neutralizing the suspicious packages if deemed not safe. Leah, help get kids out once we've cleared floors. Jules, work on finding intel on the guy. One of us will be negotiator if the boss doesn't get here in time." Ed explains. We arrive on scene and all hop out of the SUVs.

"Show time guys. Let's move it." Ed states. "Where's Babycakes?" Leah asks Spike. "Not coming with I'm afraid. We need to be on the move and it's quicker sometimes without her." Spike says. Leah nods and I grab my kit out of an SUV. "Floor by floor?" I ask Spike. "Yeah. Let go." He says clipping the gun into his vest, I do the same. We head into the building. An hour later we disarm the bombs and make sure the kids are out. The subject is still at large somewhere in the building though, so Spike and I join Ed and Sam on the search for him. That's when Ed gets shot. "Officer down!" I yell over the com. "Sam?!" Jules asks frantically. "No. It's Ed." I say angrily. "The one day the boss isn't here and you decide it's time to get shot?" I ask Ed. He just chuckles dryly. Sam takes Ed to the EMS. "Spike? Did you find the kid that just shot at Ed yet?" I ask. I'd split up with him to find the shooter. "No he disappeared!" Spike growls.

We search for another 10 minutes until I spot the kid via heat sensor coming up the stairs towards Spike and I's location. "He's coming our way. How's Ed?" I ask over the com. He had gotten shot in leg by the shooter a little under 10 minutes ago. Sam was put in charge and Jules was second. "They say he will be fine. The boss is on his way still." Sam states. "If we can't talk him down, you're Sierra 1 and Spike is Sierra 2. Leah is still working on getting kids out and I have Jules helping me try to figure this kid out." He adds. "Copy that. Is Dean alright?" I ask walking towards a corner of the hallway and setting up for Sierra 1. Spike gets near me, waiting for Sam or Jules to meet us. "Yeah. They got him out a while ago." Sam reassures. I check my watch and remember when dad left his friends. He wasn't going to get here in time. I hope Jules can talk the kid down....

Jules and Sam arrive just as the kid gets in the hallway. Jules starts talking the kid down but he has a hostage and a suicide wish. To bad, very bad, combinations. The kid re-escalates and starts firing at us. The kid's hostage was shot in the shoulder and Sam took her down the stairs to the EMS. The kid turns the barrel of his gun on Jules and that's when I hear Jules order, "Scorpio! Scorpio!" Her and Spike scramble for cover as he also tries to shield her. I didn't want to kill the kid, but Jules gave the order, and he was about to kill an officer. I fire. The bullet it's the kid dead on and he drops to the ground.

I sigh and follow Jules and Spike down the stairs. Outside, my dad arrives, Dean is near Ed who is informing my dad of what has happened. Jules and Sam are nearby as well, talking about the whole thing. Leah is I guess already in the SUV and Spike is leaning against the side of a cop car, waiting for me I presume. He looks up at me and smiles when he sees me. Before I reach Spike though, my dad comes over with Dean and Dean hugs me. I hug him back and acknowledge my dad. "Thank you for being a part of saving me today." Dean says nodding as he steps back. "Any time buddy. You need me, and I'll be there. Now I better go before I get my butt kicked by the detective over there for talking when I'm not suppose to." I chuckle. I hop in the cop car with Spike after he kisses me on the forehead and we head off to be investigated. He for disarming some of the bombs, and I for disarming some bombs as well as being Sierra 1.

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