Chapter 12

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"Tay. Come on." Spike says softly to me, he was looking at me and could tell I was trying to process what was going on. "First shooting spree you see is always the worst. Nothing can prepare you for it." Ed states as we start kneeling down next to bodies to check pulses. People's phones are ringing and I can just imagine lovers, friends, or family trying to call them but not knowing that they'd never hear there voice again because they were dead. "Front lobby area, first floor offices and security clear and bodies tagged." Ed says to the boss over the com. "Copy that Eddie. Keep up the good work team." He says. We headed up the stairs since the elevators had been shut down. "7 stories. Over 200 offices. How are we going to do this?" I whisper to Spike. "Just breath Taylor." He reassures, but I can tell he's trying not to freak out over all of this himself.

We get to the second floor and start our sweep as Jules and Sam take the third and fourth. We find people hiding on 5 and are about to head to 6 when I hear gunshot fire ring out in the building. The subject fires crazily at us and grabs one of the people who are hiding still that we hadn't seen. I get hit in the shoulder, I can feel the bullet rip through it. "Shots fired! Officer hit! Officer hit! We need cover!" Ed yells over the com. Spike is wrapping something around my arm to stop the bleeding. "It went right through, but we need to get you out of here." He says quickly. "I'll be fine. We need to stop this guy first." I say. Spike sighs, but helps me up and then we corner the subject with the help of Ed and Sam. Jules has taken the other people out.

"Sir if you'd just put the gun down, we can talk this over." I state. "Why should I?! I have nothing left to loose today so why?!" The subject yells at me. "Sir. I promise you that you will gain nothing from this." I say calmly. The hostage is beginning to look more and more worried. "Put the gun down and we can talk this over and work something out alright?" I say still using a calming tone. "Can you tell me why this happened today?" I ask. "Stone, slow down on the questions. Connect more. His name is James Kenneth." The boss says into my com. "Kenneth. Im gonna put my gun down alright. I don't think it's going to help the situation. Now can you tell me what happened today?" I ask calmly. "This business ruined me. Waverley Business Corp works in military weapons and has multiple contracts all over the world. My parents were blown up by one of there bombs, the company says they didn't know it was there on that road but the evidence says otherwise..." Kenneth says angrily. We talked more and I told him some of my story. "Sometimes people are innocent and need to be protected but it doesn't happen. It just doesn't happen every single time Kenneth. I'm sorry buddy but it's true. Kenneth looks at me with a sad expression, looking like he is about to cry, and lets the hostage go, but then he shoots himself. That is not even the worst part, because that's when all h*ll broke loose.

An explosion racks the building. "We need to get out of here. Now." Spike says. There is a bunch of chatter over the coms, so much that it turns to static in my ear for a minute. I grab the hostage and usher her to where Sam is. "Go." I say to him. He nods and I take the back, being the last down the stairs as we exit the building. Another explosion sounds and the debris throw me forward as we run. I can tell everyone has made it down another flight of stairs already. I get up and run down the remaining stairs as fast as I can. "Deadshot?! Taylor! " I hear people yell. I cough and run out to the SUV's where everyone else are as the building blows. I make it to the SUV thankfully before it does blow. We all stand there watching. "Is everyone alright?" The boss asks. There are murmurs passed around. I blame myself for the explosion, for Kenneth killing himself, but the truth is, I wouldn't have been able to stop it. We had done what we could. I did my best. The whole team did and the boss knew that.

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