Only the Truth

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Austin's prov-
I paced back and forth in my room. How come my life had to be this screwed up...?! Ugh... I should have never dated Tabitha.. I only did it cause I felt bad for her. Now the one person that I actually want to be with I can't be with or her secrets out!! Ugh. Why does these things always happen to me?!
I sat down on the bed running a hand through my hair. All I wanted to do was be with Amelia. But now I can't even talk with her!!
Ugh.. Now I can see why Amelia hated Tabitha...

Amelia's prov-
I take a deep breathe as I knock on the door to Tabitha's house. Tabitha came to answer the door sending me a glare once she realized it was me.
"Oh it's you." She snapped annoyed.
"We need to talk." I say barging my way through her and made my way inside the house.
"Fine. I don't have anywhere to be." She snapped.
"Why are you blackmailing Austin." I asked.
"Oh him. You finally realized that I was blackmailing him.. Well I wouldn't say it's blackmailing him.. More like... Threatening something he loves." She smirked.
"And what would that be." I asked curiously.
"You. Amelia. Surprisingly you. I've seen the way he looks at you. They way he smiles at even the mention of your name. That should be me." Tabitha said in pure jealousy.
I stood there shocked.. Austin loved me?! No... No one loves me. Average Amelia.. Tabitha must be confusing me with someone else.
"So I had to take care of it." She said smirking. "And looks like I did.."
"What have I ever done to you Tabitha." I asked tears threatening to spill.
"You were born Amelia." She smirked.
I had had enough. A single tear made its way down my cheek. I ran out the door and home slamming the door behind me. Collapsing to the floor in tears.
How come my life had to be so difficult.
"Hey love is that you?" I heard mom yell from the living room. She probably just finished a movie or something.
"Yeah.. Yeah it's me." I say whipping my tears away hoping she wouldn't notice that I was crying.
"Ok well dinners ready." She said. Making her way to the dinning room as I followed behind.

"You haven't touched your food love... Are you sure your ok..?" Mom asked concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine." I sigh.
"No your not. Mia your my daughter I can tell something's wrong.." She said, and I knew I wasn't getting out of this.
"Ok... It's about Tabitha."

(A/N) ok I apologize for any spelling mistakes etc lol

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