How do I know Carter?

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Austin's Prov-

I sigh looking at the ceiling while laying in bed. I needed to tell Mia how I felt. But I couldn't. She has Carter now...

I needed to be able to hold her in my arms again, to be able to call her mine, to be able to kiss her lips, I needed her. I loved her with all my heart.

I slowly get out of bed, to tired and sad to care what I wore. It didnt matter. I had nothing.. The one I love.. Gone, I couldn't return to my family! Ugh. I just wanted to be with Amelia!

"Thank you for letting me stay here." I say to Ari and Nathan as I pack the little stuff I grabbed on my way out of Tabitha's house.

Ariana looked at me with kindness. "Do you need a place to stay? You are more then welcome to stay here!" She said smiling.

"Now I can live on the streets..." I mutter under my breathe.

"Um?" Ariana asked.

"I said I have a place to stay but thank you for the offer." I smile at her. I walked to Amelias house. I stop Infront of the door.

I took a deep breathe, before knocking on the door, only to be answered by what's his face... Carter.

Carter took one look at me and smirked. He looked so familiar.... Where have I seen him...?

"Um can I please talk to Amelia.." I say awkwardly. Carter rolled his eyes.

"I don't think that's a good idea mate." He jeered.

"It'll only take a second..." I say trying to push past him. But he stood, strong as a rock.

"Sorry, mate." He spat. "You can't see her."

"No you don't understand, I HAVE to talk to her." I say trying to push past him again.

He grabs me by my shirt "you listen here. You don't go anywhere near Amelia. Alright." He spat in my face.

"Carter? Who's at the door?" An angelic voice asked. Amelia's voice. She came and reopened the door Carter had closed, probably so Mia wouldn't see me..

"Carter? What are you doing?" Amelia asked eyes widened slightly.

"N..nothing just showing him that he isn't welcome here." Carter states putting an arm around Amelias waist. She shook her head, coming over to me.

"He's always welcome." She whispered. I was actually surprised she said that but... Whatever..

Carter looked at her like she just made the worst decision of her life. She ignored it taking me into her bedroom and locking the door behind her for privacy.

"I don't trust him Amelia." I whisper breaking the ice. "I have seen him before I just don't think-"

Amelia cuts me off "what would you know Austin." She says coldly.

"Look I just want to protect you!" I say in defense.

"Yeah your doing a crap job at that!" She tells back.

I run a hand through my hair. "I know. And I'm sorry. Amelia i know that you must love or at least like that Carter guy, but I don't trust him there's something off about him. Just.. Just be careful... But that's not why I came. Mia.. I love you so so SO much I know that the day you were taken from me by Justin and I sacrificed myself for you, I knew I made the right chose. I would do anything for you Amelia.. Because I love you.." I trail off I didn't know what to say to her. I had told her I had loved her a thousand times but this time I really meant it...

Amelia turned away. "I... Austin it's been a lot.." She whispers. "I just need some time to think.. Alright?"

I nodded. "Just know that I love you with all my heart."

She nodded leading me out. Walking behind me as I walked to the door. Carter slipped a hand around her waist, I still didnt trust him.

But I walked out the door no games played.

I walked along the streets to the park sitting at a bench, thinking about all that happened. Who was Carter..? Something wasn't right about him... He looked familiar.. How do I know that face.... How do I know Carter?

(A/N) idk sorry if it's bad/short anyways love u guys!! Xx


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