Everythings Gonna Be Alright

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Tabithas POV-

Ok. I know what your thinking. "TABITHA U BAD GIRL U LIED!" Ok yeah a little a little lie! But it was mostly true! I just didn't tell them the part that I did give Amelia some of the poison.

But I did basically tell them the entire story. I just told them the story and left that part out. I mean they won't find out would they?

Ugh too many possibilities running through my mind giving me a head ache.

I decided to start making myself breakfast just to keep myself occupied.

Amelia's POV-

*its about 9:30 am just telling you guys*

I decided to give mom a call. I mean she deserved to know. Even though she still didn't fully support the baby. I mean I knew her, she would come around sometime. Right?

Neither the less. I decided to call her.

"Hi mom." I said when she answered the phone, but only sobs were heard on my end. "Mom?"

"Hi" she answered sounding small and vulnerable.

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked panicking.

"Nathan walked out on me. We broke it off." She sobbed.

"I'm so sorry. I can come over -- oh wait I can't. I have to check on the baby. But I'm sure Austin will be more then happy to come over and help you with the twins." I said making a mental note to crush Nathan to the ground for hurting my mom when she needed him most.

"Checking on the baby?" Mom sniffled

"Oh yeah. That was kinda the reason I called." I said telling her all that had happened between the baby dying and then miraculously coming back to live and was at the hospital to Justin's little attack to Tabitha and his arrest.

"Well sounds like your night was a little more eventful then mine." She said laughing slightly through her sniffles.

"But after I go to the hospital for a couple hours I can come over and take the twins for me and Austin to watch. I mean you need a break after that butt just up and left. And it will be good practice for me and Austin." I said

"Ok. I guess that would be alright." She said.

"Ok. I'm sorry about him leaving. You deserve better." I say. "Look mom I got to go, I have to be at the hospital at 10:30 and I haven't even dressed yet. And it's 9:50! So bye love you Austin and I will be over as soon as we can."

"Bye love you." Mom said hanging up.

*skip time to hospital (YAS time leap once again!)*

"So Mrs. Grande it looks like Jasmine is doing alright. I mean she is premature and all but she looks like she will be fine." The doctor said looking at me after checking Jasmines virtual signs.

"That's good. Are there anything bad that might happen in future with her being this premature?" I asked the doctor

"Well she will be subject to more illnesses and disease. She will have a weaker immune system for a couple years but that should only be temporary." The doctor said.

"Thank you Doctor McAllens. You've been wonderful." I smiled at him.

"Anytime Ms. Grande" he answered opening the door for me to exit his office

I grabbed my purse and headed toward Moms house.

To be continued...

A/N: sorry for it being so short!! :( I just am REALLY REALLY busy sorry!! :(


Next update is gonna be a Q&A!!! :) so send in questions!!! That would be wonderful!!! :)

Thank u my teddy bears for everything 💕

Love you 😘 xo

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