~Chapter 4~

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📚A/N📚 ~ Hey guys! Ok, so in this chapter something very romantic is going to happen! Now, if your thinking this is a lemon then stop! This is not a lemon, plus I don't think I'll ever do lemons in this book. Also, another thing is that in this story you are a Brony or Pegasister. If you don't know what that is it's a person who likes to watch the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You'll see why that is later. Anyways, let's continue the story!

Things To Look For:

(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/T) - Hair Type (Straight, Curly, etc.)
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(N/N) - Nickname

-I will update the list as we go further into the story-


~Garroth's POV~

After we finished eating pizza and talked for awhile we went back to our game. The guys sat on the floor meanwhile (Y/N) and I sat on the couch since we were participating. We resumed the game and began playing.

~Time Skip~

The game was almost done. Me and (Y/N) were tied. We each had the last gun. I walked around making sure to check behind me too. Then out of no where (Y/N) jumped infront of me and headshoted me. Once I was killed, in big letters said:


"Yes!", (Y/N) said. She got up, and did a little dance. I chuckled because it was cute. Wait, did I just say that? Ugh..... I noticed (Y/N) holding a hand out, indicating for me to shake it. I shook it and smiled warmly.

~(Y/N) POV~

I went up to Garroth and put my hand out. He shook it and smiled at me! OMI! He smiled at me! His smile is cute. Wait! (Y/N)! You barely met the guy and your already saying he's cute, but not lying, he is hot! But I don't go for looks, I want to go for the personality! I can tell just by looking at him he's a really nice guy.

"Well played.", he said.

"Yeah, well played.", we disconnected our hands and we all sat on the couch. We talked a bit more until Travis asked me a very awkward question.

"(Y/N), can I ask you a question?", Travis asked.

"Sure, anything!"

"Do you have a boyfriend?", he raised an eyebrow. I stayed silent, as a pink tint spread across my face.

"Ummm, no, why do you ask?", I said, not trying to stutter.

"Just wanted to know before I do my thing!", I smiled mischievously. I started to play around as well.

"Well that's to bad because I have my eyes set on another guy!", his eyes widen and also everyone else's.

"Who is it?", Laurance asked.

"Oh, I can't say his name, but I can give you guys a hint. Wanna hear it?", they nodded.

"Well, let's just same he's the hottest guy on MyStreet.", everyone's eyes widen.

"AARON?!", I agreed with that name since I'm guessing that's him. They all starred at me like if I was crazy. I couldn't take it anymore. I began to laugh my butt off from their reactions. They looked at me confused.


"What are you talking about?", Garroth asked.

"I'm joking! I don't even know who Aaron is! Hahaha!", after that they began to laugh with me. Though I do kinda of have an eye on someone, but I bet he already has a girlfriend.

~Time Skip~

The day passed and we spent the whole day either talking about our life's or watching movies. They told me they would show me all of the people on MyStreet so I could have more friends. While everyone was taking I went outside and layed down on the grass. I stayed there for awhile until I heard someone coming outside.

~Garroth's POV~

While we were still talking. (Y/N) got up and said she wanted to go outside for a bit. We all said ok and she went outside. We talked for a bit and I decided to go outside to.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go take a breather, be right back."

"Sure man.", Dante said. I went outside and noticed (Y/N) was laying on the front yard. I walked up to her and layed down next to her.

"Hey Garroth."

"Hey (Y/N)."

"So, watcha doing here?"

"I just came to take a breath of fresh air.", all of a sudden, she got into a crisscross position.

"Hey, I want to get to know you better!", I got in the same position as her too.

"Well, what do you need to know about?"

"Your favorite color, drink, show! Anything really."

"Ok, well favorite color?", I asked.

"(F/C), if you haven't noticed. Hehehe!", I chuckled.

"What's yours?"

"Mine is blue."

"Favorite show?", I asked. She stayed quiet.

"It's kinda embarrassing."

"Oh, come on I won't laugh! I promise."

"Fine it's My Little Horsies..."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of, it's what makes you, you! And I think that's amazing...", after that we were getting closure and closure. I could feel her breath against my lips. Just as we were about to close the distance, someone came outside. We quickly got back to our spots and looked at the person. It was Travis.

"Hey guys, we're gonna watch a movie, wanna join?"

"S-Sure!", we said in unison.

"Why are you guys blushing?"

"Oh, let's go watch the movie!", (Y/N) said. We walked inside and I looked at (Y/N) saying something under her breath. I could understand it fully.

"I think I love you....."

"I think I love you too", I said under my breath.


📚A/N📚 ~ I hoped you liked the newest chapter of the GarrothXReader! I'm really sorry this was published late! I've been working on the last chapter of Minecraft Diaries ~ The Story Told Differently. By the way, if you guessed why you are a Brony congrats! But if you didn't then you're gonna have to wait 'till the next chapter (I think). Anyways I'll cya guys later and remember, stay beautiful! Bai!


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