~|Tag #2|~

486 10 5

Hey guys, so before we get on with the whole tag thing, I wanted to apologize for not having chapters out all week. I had to edit a skit that was worth half of my grade and I needed to make sure everything was fine with it. Anyways, thank you _Big_Papa_ for tagging me.

 Anyways, thank you _Big_Papa_ for tagging me

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5 Things About Me:

1- I have two cats. One is named Fifi and she is a Himalayan seal point and The other one is named Henry and he's a long haired tabby,

2- My favorite MyStreet/Minecraft Diaries ship is Garmau and it always will be.

3- I absolutely despise Aarmau. I apologize for any Aarmau shippers, but I just don't think it's a good ship.

4- My favorite anime character of all time is definitely Armin Arlert from Attack On Titan because I'm a lot like him in a sense of insecurity. He thinks that his friends hate him and they only are his friends because they feel bad for him and that's definitely what I feel as well. I'm actually dressing up as him for Halloween.

5- I only seem to like boy characters in cartoons, animes, series, etc. If you ask me what my favorite anime characters are, it'll pretty much be all boys.

I Tag...

- --Awesomesauce--

- Angel_Berry3

- ________NICO________

- 123_NerdyGirl_123

- _Skylar__

- --mortem--

- cookie_queen_______

- bandfreak22

- Animegirl_4life

- Angel_With_Shotgun21

- Aaralynthepanda

- AlissonWritezRandomz

- ___StarDashie___

- Aphmau46

- -IViMa--

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