~|7K Reads/Q & A/Character Contest(Closed)|~

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First I wanted to say thank you so much for 7K Reads! That's insane! I can't believe it we are already up to that amount and I can't express my gratitude enough! Thank you so much! Now, I want to apologize for the lack of celebrations each time we hit more reads, but you guys are to fast like the flash! Your guy's' support hurts my little heart (in a good way)! Anyways, so for this amazing milestone I will be doing two things.

First, I will be doing a Q & A. You guys can ask me anything such as about myself or what to expect of this story. You can ask me anything your heart desires, just don't make it too personal like 'Where do you live?' or 'What's your full name?'.

And secondly, I will be doing a character contest. Now, this won't be like your character will be throughout the whole story, but there will be a character contest that will be in the first and second book. So to explain it a bit further, I will be needing characters, but for like nurses and cops as well as a special character for the rest of the first book and second. (And yes, there will be a sequel to this.)

So if you want to be a part of my book, but as a small side character such as a nurse or a cop, I need the following things:

- First And Last Name
- Gender
-Hair Color
-Eye Color
-Other Details (Optional)

Those are the only things I'll be needing if you want to participate in my story as a nurse or a cop. Of course, I will give you a shoutout in the next chapter because I have to give you credit.

Now, for the real character contest! This will be the character that will be in the first book as well as in the second book. You can fall in love with any other guy in MyStreet, except for Garroth. You will also be friends with (Y/N), in other words, The Reader. Now, you guys met in the school that (Y/N) went to. Your character is also the best friend of The Reader. Now, the information I need is the following:

- First and Last Name
- Gender
- Age (can't be lower then 16)
- Favorite Color
- Hair Color
- Eye Color
- Clothing (What they wear)
- Personality
- Crush Or Possible Lover (Optional)
- Other Details (Optional)

Again, those are the only things that I need, but there is a catch to all of this! For your character to be in the book I need you to tell me how your character and The Reader met. I don't want it to be cliche like 'We met when she dropped her books so I decided to help her and we became friends since then', no. I want something that will actually be really interesting. Now you can make the story small or you can make it long, however you want, but it needs to be good! If you're bad at writing, it doesn't matter to me. You can have bad grammar in it and not have any detail whatsoever and I'm still gonna count it as a good and awesome story. So don't worry about not be good at writing, I'm not gonna count that, all I ask is how did your character and The Reader meet. Anyways, I know it's a lot of info for just one character, but it's gonna be very useful for me. And if your character doesn't make it for this character contest, but I like your character, I'll add you as a side character (nurse or cop) as well as give you credit and a shoutout for your participation.

Note: I'll also give shoutouts to everyone that participated for both character contests as well as the Q & A, even if they didn't get picked. CONTEST ENDS ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14th AT 5:30 PM PACIFIC TIME.

Anyways, that's the 7K celebration, so if you want to ask me anything your heart desires for the Q & A and participate for both the character contest, go for it, I'm not stoping you. I'll cya guys later and remember, stay beautiful! Bai!


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