~|Random Interview With Callister|~

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*Melody sets camera up on stand and tries to angle it while Callister impatiently waits in his seat*

Callister: UGHHHH! Melody hurry up! I don't have time for this! I gotta go and read my script for the next chapter of the story!

*Melody turns around and begins to laugh her butt off*

Melody: HAHAHAHAHA! You back in the story! Dude, you died! Didn't you read the authors note I left at the end?

Callister: Um..... no, hey, wait a minute! I'm dead! But, I'm the most iconic character in the story! I can't die!

*Melody rolls her eyes and pats his head*

Melody: Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that.

*Clicks the record button and sits down*

Melody: Hey guys! I'm Melody Rose and today I have Callister with me!

Callister: Hey.

Melody: So I've decided sense Callister has been getting some attention lately, I'm going to ask him a few questions.

Callister: Wait, I thought you said we would be doing a cha--

Melody: Anyways, to start it off, how did you become so evil?

Callister: I'm not evil, I'm actually a very nice guy! I like nice long walks on the beach and I lov--

Melody: This isn't a dating service! Now, answer the question! 

Callister: I've already told you I'm not e--

Melody: I'm not taking that as an answer! Look, I could be doing something productive right now and I don't want you to waste my time, ok bud! Now, answer the question!

Callister: *Sigh* I became evil because (Y/N) or The Reader didn't show me enough love or affection.

Melody: Great answer! Now, how did you fall in love with (Y/N)?

Callister: Ok, first off, I don't actually love her. I had to act like it because you told me too. And second, I already like someone else.

*Melody begins to get upset and glares daggers at Callister*

Melody: We could do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way, your pick!

Callister: Ok ok! Um, I guess I like her because of the way she acts and how she's so friendly to people and, um....

*Callister looks at Melody with a blush as he looks into her eyes*

Melody: Um, are you ok? You're kinda pink.

Callister: Hehehe, sorry. I guess I kinda went into space there for a moment.

Melody: Ok, next question! Why do you hate Garroth so much?

Callister: Well, I actually don't have anything against him, but I guess I despise him?

Melody: Good enough answer for me! Now, ever since you were introduced to the series you have so many fans!

Callister: Really? Wow, I thought they would all hate me, but oh well, guess I was wrong.

Melody: Here's a lovely poem from a fan by the name Breezyp2

Callister: Can't wait to hear it.

Melody: Roses are red... Calli is dead :)

*Callister sits there terrified and wide eyes*

Melody: So, what did you think?

Callister: Um........

Melody: He's speechless! That's when you know it's good! Anyways, how about we get on to some more questions! Sound good?

Callister: Um yeah, sure.

Melody: Great, so, do you think Garroth and (Y/N) will end up together?

Callister: Um, I think so? Hey, don't you know that, sense you're like the writer and everything.

Melody: Oh, of course I know what will happen, but I just wanted to see what your opinion on the matter was.

Callister: Thought so.

Melody: Anyways, sense we are on the topic of the two love birds, do you ship them?

Callister: Ship?


Callister: Um, I don't know.

Melody: Ugh..... I gotta explain it now, don't I?

Callister: Yep!

Melody: Ok, so shipping is when you think that two people would make a really cute couple and you give them a ship name, for example Aaron and Aphmau is Aarmau, capeesh?

Callister: Oh, well in that case, I think I do?

Melody: Good answer! Now, we have a letter from a fan that we got right after I published the 17th chapter of the story. Would you like to hear it?

Callister: Um, ok?

Melody: Dear Callister,
Never come across me again, cause my Bae will come after you in your sleep.

Callister: *Sigh* Should've expected that.

Melody: Anyways, why don't I ask you one last question.

Callister: Ok, go for it.

Melody: How did you meet (Y/N)?

Callister: Um, well, I don't really know because it was never said in the bo--

Melody: Stop ignoring the question and give me the answer!

Callister: Ok! I met her on the first day of Highschool, there, you happy!

Melody: But how?

Callister: She dropped her book when she entered the class room and I happened to spot her dropping it. So like the gentleman I am, decided to help her and we basically became friends from there.

Melody: Anyways, hoped you guys enjoyed the exclusive interview with Callister and I'll cya guys later, and remember, stay beautiful! Bai!

*Melody walks up to the camera, but before she stops it from recording she looks at Callister*

Melody: By the way, who do you like?

Callister: Huh?

Melody: You said you liked someone else, but never said who.

*Callister smirks mischievously and walks up to Melody pulling her close to him*

Callister: How about I show you~...

*Before anything else happens the recording mysteriously ends*

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