~Chapter 14~

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📚A/N📚 ~ Hey guys, Melo here! So I wanted to give you guys a huge apology for not publishing a chapter last weekend. My teachers just had to send us homework! Anyways, I wanted to ask something of you. Some people (I'm not going to say who) were telling me to update, so for those of you who are going to pressure me to post more chapters, I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to be a tiny bit patient because ideas don't come in a flash. Besides that, I've mentioned before I have two other books I need to update. Anyways, back to the topic, I can't update every single day, I'm not a writing machine with ideas popping ever minute in my head. I think that was the first time I've ever been pressured in my life. I know it's like,"But, it was only like 1 person, you drama queen.", I know, I know, I'm a drama queen, a baby, a scary cat, but still, for those of you who really love this book, I beg of you please have some patience on me. Well, that took longer then I expected, anyways, let's get on with the story!

Things To Look For:

(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/T) - Hair Type (Straight, Curly, etc.)
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(N/N) - Nickname
(G/T) - Gamer Tag
(F/N) - Friend's Name (It can be your friend in IRL or just a made up one)
(F/N/N) - Friend's Nickname

-I will update the list as we go further into the story-


Warning: This Chapter Contains Some Fluff. May Not Be Suitable For Some Readers

~Garroth's POV~

"I'll go with...", Laurance placed a finger on his chin, thinking what he would chose.

"I think I'll go with a dare.", I could tell (Y/N) was going to have fun with this.

"Ok, I dare you to take your shirt off and knock on Brendan's door telling him that you have a thing for him.", Laurance's eyes widen.

"What, but--?!"

"You have too! It's the rules~!", she said. He sighed, proceeding to take his shirt off. I could already see all the fangirls through the screen of this--

"*Breaks through fourth wall* Garroth, don't break the fourth wall!", Melody said.

"Whoops, sorry Melody."

"If you do it again I'll make sure (Y/N) gets with Callister instead of you, got that?!"

"Jeez! When did you become so evil!"

"How about we continue the story and then I'll tell you!"

"Ok, see ya."

"Bye!", as Melody left I noticed Laurance leaving the house.

"Oh my god, I can't wait 'till he comes back!"

"You said it!", Dante said. It took awhile, but Laurance came back. He had the angriest expression ever as he stared at his sister.

"My Heart, Is Yours" (GarrothXReader)Where stories live. Discover now