~Chapter 25//Finale~

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Things To Look For:

(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/T) - Hair Type (Straight, Curly, etc.)
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(N/N) - Nickname
(G/T) - Gamer Tag
(F/N) - Friend's Name (It can be your friend in IRL or just a made up one)
(F/N/N) - Friend's Nickname
(F/SBD) - Favorite Starbucks Drink
(S/N) - Ship Name (Your ship name with Garroth)

-I will update the list as we go further into the story-


~Garroth's POV~

I ran as fast as I could, my only goal was to see (Y/N) again. My feet started to hurt the harder I ran, but I didn't care one bit. As if the world knew how I was feeling, raindrops slowly began to fall. I finally had arrived where I needed to be, seeing the hospital from a distance. I quickly ran inside, looking both ways and seeing nobody. As my eyes rapidly scanned the room, I noticed a nurse sitting on the floor, reading a clipboard. I calmly walked up to her, my presence making her look up at me.

"Can I help you sir?"

"I'm looking for (Y/N) Zvahl.", as I spoke her name, the nurse's face instantly turned into sad one.

"Um, I'm sorry, but she died a few hours ago.", when she had said the word died I felt like crying again.

"Yes, I know, but is she still here?", she nodded. As she got up, the nurse looked at me in a confused expression.

"Wait, do you have any connection with her in anyway?", she asked, making me nervous. I sighed, thinking that it was hopeless to see her again, but I instantly thought of a way to get past the nurse.

"I'm friends with her brother."

"Then what's his name?"

"Laurance Zvahl.", I said, making her smile.

"I guess you do. Come, follow me.", I celebrated mentally at my victory, but the realization of the situation made me instantly frown. As I followed her, I started to get scared on how (Y/N) would look. I would soon get to know once we arrived at her room. I looked at the door, not ready to go in. The nurse kindly opened the door for me, my feet slowly walking me in, but I was instantly heartbroken as I saw her. She had bruises and cuts that looked like they hadn't healed in days. I walked up to her and touched her face. My hand felt cold, her face pale as snow. I slowly started to cry seeing her like this. I then felt the nurse's presence leave the room, my body finally breaking the emotional seal I had, as I began to sob.

"W-Why....... Why d-did you have to l-leave me s-so soon....?", I said, still not believing that the girl I loved was gone. I tried to look at her, but my tears wouldn't let me see her as they made my vision blurry. The more I thought about all the good times me and her had, the more I cried.

Time passed, and I slowly started to cry less, finally able to see her. I cupped her cheek and slightly smile.

"You know (Y/N), I always thought you were that one girl who could do anything. You're smart, nice, friendly, the qualities the perfect girl would have. The dream girl every guy desires. I hope you're hearing this, but I came here to tell you I love you since the first day I met you, I knew you were the only who was going to make me feel happy. When I'm with you, I'm a totally different person and I can expression my real self to you. You are so the most amazing person I have ever met. No only am I the greatest of friends with your brother, but I'm also the greatest of friends with you. You will always have a place in my heart and someday we'll see each other again and be happy forever. I don't care about your flaws, your mistakes, not any of those things will change my feelings for you. I just want you to smile because when you smile, I feel so great, like I can take on the world. I'm glad I got to meet you and I'm glad to have such a beautiful as well as an amazing friend like you. I only wish you were here with me, laughing, talking, anything that we used to do. I will keep fighting and I will stay alive for you because you are my determination. You will always be that one special person I will always remember forever and forever.", as I finished speaking, I smiled at her beautiful face, the one that makes me feel better every time I see it. I then chuckled as I intertwined my hand with hers.

"My Heart, Is Yours" (GarrothXReader)Where stories live. Discover now