~Chapter 20~

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📚A/N📚 ~ Hey guys, welcome back to another chapter of this GarrothXReader! Now, I wanted to say if you have free time in your hands, maybe check out "Minecraft Diaries ~ The Story Told Differently"?  I'm not saying you have to, but if you would read it, I would really appreciate it! Again, I'm not obligating you to go and check it out, only if you are interested and such. I also apologize for those of you who hate when people advertise their stuff in something that has nothing to do with what they are talking about. Anyways, how about we continue where we left off.

Things To Look For:

(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/T) - Hair Type (Straight, Curly, etc.)
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(N/N) - Nickname
(G/T) - Gamer Tag
(F/N) - Friend's Name (It can be your friend in IRL or just a made up one)
(F/N/N) - Friend's Nickname

-I will update the list as we go further into the story-


Warning: This Chapter Contains Slight Language. May Not Be Suitable For Some Readers.

~Laurance's POV~

"Vixella?", I said, not believing it was actually her. We stared into each other's eyes, not believing that our presence was real.

"Laurance?", she said. I knelt down to eye level with her, her eyes still starring into my own

"What are you doing here, and when did you get back so soon?", I asked, question after question popping into my mind. She silently chuckled.

"I actually moved here about a month ago. My grandma, Samara, and I all moved in together.", I smiled.

"I'm happy to see you again.", I said. She smiled, her eyes widening at my comment.

"You too!", she said. I then sat properly next to her, many ideas and conversations we could have.

"So, I saw you in the hallway. You mind if I ask what was going on?", she sighed, starting down at the tiled floor.

"We were at the park and Samara and I decided to get some water for our grandma sense she said she was thirsty. When we came back from getting the water, some guys had beaten her up. We called the cops and the hospital. I was bickering with the doctor because he wouldn't let me in.", she slowly started to cry again, making me sad. I decided to hug her, knowing it always made me feel better when (Y/N) hugged me. As I let go, she smiled.

"Thanks Laurance."

"No problem.", I helped her get up and we walked back to where my sister's  room was.

"So, how's (Y/N) doing?", Vixella asked me. My heart stopped, making my body stop as well.

"Well, um...", just hearing her name made me wanna cry all over again. Her eyes widen in worry as she looked at me.

"Did something happen between both of you?", she asked me. I shook my head.

"*Sigh*, follow me Vixella.", she raised an eyebrow, before following me. As I went inside the room, she walked with me. Her eyes landed on (Y/N)'s presence making her eyes widen. She covered her mouth, not believing what was in front of her.

"My Heart, Is Yours" (GarrothXReader)Where stories live. Discover now