~Chapter 17~

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📚A/N📚 ~ Hey guys, I've heard all of you and I'm finally updating. I was feeling really sick all week, but now I'm ok, so don't worry. Anyways, I want to start this author's note with a few things. First off, I'll be adding warnings at the beginning of each chapter if there is violence, abuse, language, mature content, etc. Second, there will be violence in this one and some gore. If you are very sensible to that, I apologize so much in advance, I noticed some people were either crying or terrified and I apologize so much. I even started to cry myself from the guilt. That is why I've decided to put warnings at the beginnings of my chapters so you know what you are getting into and what you are about to read. Thirdly and Lastly, I don't update Mondays through Thursdays. I am very sorry, but I can't update on school days (exception to Friday) because I've already said it would be a living hell, I apologize for my language. I've been seeing a lot of comments saying update this and update that. Now, I know I've said I'm being a drama queen and yes, I know I am, I'm a loser who doesn't now what to do with her life except write fan fictions on the Internet, but that's just me. I'm really sorry I can't update any quicker, but school comes in the way of my duties as an author. Anyways, how about I stop rambling and start typing the story.

Things To Look For:

(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/T) - Hair Type (Straight, Curly, etc.)
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(N/N) - Nickname
(G/T) - Gamer Tag
(F/N) - Friend's Name (It can be your friend in IRL or just a made up one)
(F/N/N) - Friend's Nickname

-I will update the list as we go further into the story-


Warning: This Chapter Contains Violence And Some Gore. May Not Be Suitable For Some Readers. You Have Been Warned!

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I slowly woke up, feeling some of the pain I felt when I was awake awhile ago.

"Ugh, what? W-Where am I?", I tired looking around, but my vision was really blurry. I still remember feeling agony on my stabbed leg and my broken ribs, but where's the pain, wait, maybe I don't wanna worry about it, besides why would I want to feel pain all over again. Just as I jinxed myself, the agony slowly came back, making yelp in pain.

"Agh!", I went to hug my chest, but something prevented me from it. I looked at my arms, squinting to see if it helped my vision better. Luckily, it did, but I was shocked and scared at what I saw. I noticed I was tied down to a chair with an armrest. My vision came back a few seconds later making me happy that I could finally see, but terrified at the scenery before me. Just as I was about to say something, I heard the door open. I turned around towards the sound, instantly regretting it.

"How was your nap, my princess~?", I growled to myself, not wanting to answer that monster's question. I could tell he wasn't going to take any of my disrespect towards him making him walk up to me, grabbing my face roughly in the process to make me look up at him.

"I'll ask you this again. How was your nap, my princess~?", I nodded, making his grip soften, making me slightly at ease.

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