~Chapter 21~

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📚A/N📚 ~ Hey guys, welcome to another chapter! So before we get started, if you haven't noticed I changed the tittle of the GarrothXReader to "My Heart, Is Yours". I also made a custom cover for it and I think it turned out pretty good! I would also like to say thank you so much for 11K Reads! That's insane! Thank you so much, it means so much to me! I think I'm going todo a Q&A so if you wanna ask me anything, feel free to! Anyways, let's start the story from where we left off.

Things To Look For:

(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/T) - Hair Type (Straight, Curly, etc.)
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(N/N) - Nickname
(G/T) - Gamer Tag
(F/N) - Friend's Name (It can be your friend in IRL or just a made up one)
(F/N/N) - Friend's Nickname

-I will update the list as we go further into the story-


~Garroth's POV~

"Aphmau?", I said, surprised to see her. I actually had a huge crush on her, well, that was before I met (Y/N).

"So, you like (Y/N), huh?", she said, coming closer to me. I blushed hearing her name. My head instinctively went up and down to answer her question. She smiled.

"Garroth, I know it may seem none of my business, but.", she came face to face with me.

"What's stopping you from getting the girl of your dreams?", the world froze. How could I have not thought of that before!? I'm so stupid? Nothing is stopping me from getting (Y/N)! The only obstacle is me! I'm the one limiting myself from ever showing her my true feelings. I feel in love with her on the first day! I know it's stupid and love at first sight is ironic, but I find it ironic that I haven't told her how I feel. She means the world to me and I hope one day my heart, is hers. I smiled down at my friend, hugging her for helping me realize the obstacle I was facing this whole time.

"Thanks Aphmau. You truly are a good friend.", as I hugged her, she smiled.

"Anything for a friend. It's what they're for.", as I let her go, I frowned realizing something. She raised an eyebrow at me, making me realize she didn't know what was going on in my head.

"You're probably wondering why I'm sad all of the sudden. Well, (Y/N) and Laurance are at their parents house and I wouldn't want to bother them.", Aphmau's expression told me she understood. I said my goodbyes to her and headed towards my house, to apologize for leaving so suddenly and to go over the obstacle that was between me and (Y/N).

~Laurance's POV//The Next Day~

I woke up slowly and blinked a few times, finally adjusting to the lighting of the room. I got up and stretched myself. I looked to my left and smiled to see my sister, but sad to see her in her state.

"Good morning (N/N).", I said between stretches. I decided to see what time it was, my hand already grabbing my phone and turning it on. As it finally finished loading, my eyes widen at all the missed calls I had gotten from my friends. I had 6 missed calls from Dante, 19 from Travis, and 23 from Garroth. I wonder why they would call me? Speaking of the devil, I was called another time, but this time it was from Aphmau. I picked the phone up, putting it up to my ear.

"My Heart, Is Yours" (GarrothXReader)Where stories live. Discover now