Chapter Four: New Moon

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The sky was silver as I threw tired punch.Then as Justin dodged and fell face first into the dirt.
The smell of BBQ wafted into my nose and I realized the pack had already started.

It seemed everyone had forgotten Nicks absence.All but Sia and Leah...and me.

Daniel kept searching for scents to follow and from what he'd found.There was nothing but dead ends.
So Lark decided to just drop it and hope for the best and then ask other packs at the next gathering.

"Its been three days of this.Your not going home until you can pin me" Justin said.
"I'll hate you when I realize that taking down a vampire won't take so much work because I'll rip there heads off" I snapped as I stood from the dirt.
"We mostly fight human, it's better then just crowding one vampire and being picked off by its friends when we have hands, knives and vervain "He said smiling.

I rolled my eyes.
"Clean up.Sias cousins are coming over with there mother and will be visiting.They are almost 8 years old" Francine said from the main cabin.

I nodded just as Parker dashed out from the main cabin his eyes wide and bright.
I ran off to get dressed as Parker started a playful practice with Justin.

After getting dressed and white shorts, and a saggy black T I walked out bare foot to watch Parker throw a high punch.Justin dodged.

Parker was young, and as he got frustrated his eyes flashed as if he was about to shift.
"Come on omega" Justin taunted.

If he doesn't keep in control he might actually become the omega I thought.

Parker shook his head to clear it and then he snarled."Omega !" He snapped before shivering and with a small snap of bones he lunged at Justin and now a white wolf with gray patches with angry brown eyes stood on Justin with teeth showing.

"Parker enough! " I yelled.Parker leaped off Justin and glared at me.
"Go cool off "I ordered.He turned to run, but then a strange reddish blob slammed onto his back.
"Demon" Justin gasped before shifting and lunging for the blob.

Can I be up here one time without drama ?

I ran forth and tried to get passed the wolves but I couldn't.Justin luckily threw the demon away that hissed and whipped it's worm like body.

I ran at it and stomped on its head as hard as I could.
Once the thing stopped moving it turned to dust abd I turned to face my brother and mentor.

"Haven't seen one before...but nasty" I breathed.Francine walked out with Leah staring.
"What's going on ?" Leah asked.

"Demon...we need to keep up on our hunts" I said.
Francine nodded and disappeared into the cabin with Leah.

Lark appeared next and leaped down from the cabin and headed towards me.
"Since your already wolf.Parker and Justin can go on a short patrol, and can join the pack when we go demon hunting" Lark said.
I nodded to the tall man.

The wolves ran off and I walked behind Lark and followed him into the large main cabin.

Once there I saw the door we were heading to lead outside.The back door while Leah and Francine cooked green beans and corn .
Once out the back door I saw the long table that they must have set up.The large barbequer had hot dogs and hamburger patties on it.

The smell was good.But I hated BBQ sauce.

I sat at the long wood, bench like table next to Sia a with Hannah on my right.Lark took over the meet cooking as I sat.

"This should be good" Sia said.I nodded.
"I'm glad to here some faces will pop up soon" I said.Hannah smiles at me.
"True, but will they be annoying little brats ?" Hannah asked raising a brow.
I shrugged.
At that moment a car pulled up with a roar.Or so I heared.
Hannah seemed easy to talk to and the feeling of peace near her made me think a friendship was in store.Two blond, brown eyed children ran through the cabin with Parker chasing them and two tall women stood around.

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