Chapter Seven: Stakes

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I woke to hear voices."How did Gally know where to go ?"Asked a voice.
"He probably stayed in the hotel" Responded another it sounded like Parkers.

"Wake up " A cool voice whispered.I blinked awake to feel something warm pressed to my cheek.I sat up and touched my cheek and stared at the people crowding the from of the van which were clearly visible.

"Its time" Lucus said .I glanced to my right at him and realized I had been leaning on him Nodding I unbuckled and walked passed him stake in hand.

I jumped out and Lucus came behind me and shut the van door.It was dark and I looked to see a giant hotel and a alley a yard away with a street light near it.

The hotel was old, spooky and cream colored.
Sia suddenly was at my side and pulled me through the crowd towards the alley.

"We are going to the alley ?"I asked.Sia nodded her head still turned away.

"Lark said me you, Lucus and Daniel are going to the alley while the rest are going for the hotel and the alley on the other side of the cars.

I nodded.Lucus followed and I couldn't help feel happy the vampire was following.Being involved with werewolves was strange and being one was....stranger then then people thought.

But as much as I wanted to know how we existed, I was only told it was witches who made vampires and then made werewolves to kill them.

How was it that I felt safer, flattered that Lucus was following behind like a protective mate.

Because he's on the team ! I shook my head to clear it as we stood near the alley light and Sia looked at me as Daniel stalked up.

"Lets go" Daniel whispered.We ran into the alley and I froze to see tons !

Ten at least and most holding bodies and drinking with their mouths bloody and eyes black.

Daniel lunged at the one on the dumpster and stabbed it in the lower chest and the thrust up.The vampire hissed and then choked as it threw up blood and shook before dying.

I ran forward as vampires threw their kill away and tried to blur away.I grabbed a female who had turned to face us but she quickly slammed me to the cold ground.

Her breath smelt of blood and then I felt the weight leave me.I stood and turned to see Lucus holding her so I could stab her.With a thrust I went into her stomach and thrust up but nothing happened.

"I can't baby you"Lucus growled letting the girl go and disappearing behind me."Oh" I breathed as I realized I was on my own.

I took the stake out as the girl punched but dodged.I took it tightly in hand and stabbed just after the rib cage abd thrust up for the heart.

The girl gasped and a shiver ran through her and then she fell.I gasped and let her drop with my stake in her heart.

My eyes felt like they were burning.

I just killed a person I thought with a bit of shock.

But she kills...they all have killed...I'm saving furniture victims I thought.I leaned down to grab my stake but a foot hit my right leg so hard I heard a crack.
Shrieking I fell to my side.Turning I faced the male vampire as he leaned down over me his teeth bared.

"I'm gonna to kill you " He growled.He lunged down but I kicked up as hard as I could.He pulled back smiling but that gave me time to punch as hard as I could left, right and then right again.I threw him off onto the girl and yanked the stake out of the girl and then slammed it so hard into the middle of his chest that it hit a lung.
I took it out and tried in the rips a thrust towards the heart.The man hissed and then fell still.

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