Chapter Five : Patrol

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Morning in the own house was great.But I didn't wake up alone.After dressing and going to the bathroom I brushed my hair and went downstairs to find the whole pack in my house.My curly hair put up in a pointy tail I stared.

"What's this about? " I asked.
"Since you won't tell us what's happening your on constant training and patrol until you tell" Lark snapped.

I've seen this.Training someone until this collapse.Making them run all night until they sleep while they stand.

"I can' will be explained on the full moon" I stated.Francine stared with disappointment and Parker glared at me.

"Then let's go" Daniel ordered.I came with them to the cabins and training began quickly.

But soon enough while Francine took Parker home for the rest of the month.I ran patrol with Terri and Jim.

The grass hissed around my paws and the smell of pine entered my nose.

I smell vampire, follow me Terri thought turning away from the coming pines and away from Te lake towards more moor land.

I flattened my ears and fell behind the two older wolves.

Terri was brown brindle with black eyes while Jim was black and white with brown eyes.

Bolth wolves lead the way into dry moor along to the forest side where brambles covered part of the forest and thicket the other.

I sniffed.They were right.The smell of vampire flooded my nose as we kept to the moor and then walked into the forest.

The smell of faint.

Its old guys.We need to make sure Jeff sends more patrols I thought.

Terri grunted.
You'll be on the job kid, not need to drag anyone down with you omega

I felt the last work sink in.It was true.I didn't shrink or grow that didn't make rank.

I was simply unable to bite back on his words.I was the omega.It was stated on my for head like the sun.

My posture quickly changed at the realization.My tail tucked a bit and my ears hung back naturally.

Suddenly following the older wolf's seemed less of a burden.My paws moved without my say.

So he makes me a omega to punish me !? I exclaimed my ears pushing forward as I tried to break free of the nature of my new rank.

To keep you in control kid, calm down Terri snapped.Jim paused and veered away from the upcoming turf because it was obviously the smell of vampire was to faint to continue following.

Once back near the cabins I felt smaller.Because I let my shoulders hunch and lowered my head.Instinct told me this was right, that this was what needed to be.
I did try to resist that night.I slept in wolf form to be ready for dawn patrol alone and then training at noon.

Food could have given be a break.But Lark was firm and said patrol at dawn and train at noon.

But I decided quickly that I'd eat at 10:00 since it was 6:40 now.

I blinked at the trees as I lay at the foot of the main cabin near the stairs that lead down from it.Yawning I stood and shook dust from my fur.

I turned my head to stare at the cabin door.But the sounds from inside were gentle snoring.

Alseep I thought.

Turning I bounded out and around the circle of cabins and into the woods.I headed away from the lake to skip the moor and hit the pine and thicket mixed forest quickly.

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