Chapter 6 - An evil mailman (POV Judy Hopps)

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I've never seen Nick act like this before. I've never seen him as angry before, as he was a moment ago when he confronted us with what we were talking about him, and I really couldn't help myself and feel sorry for him, even though he listened when he wasn't supposed to.

But there is no point in denying it, I would have done the same, because chief Bogo was always talking to the both of us, when there was a new case or an emergency, so the only possible reason why he wanted to speak to me alone was, that it has something to do with Nick. And since I knew best what the predators had to go through in the last weeks, it was quite understandable for me that he wasn't too happy with hearing those words again. Even though they were torn out of context. His body language changed suddenly as Bogo explained the circumstances for him as well, and his anger turned into determination. He had stopped fletching his sharp teeth instantly and relaxed his muscles as well.

I was pretty sure, that he didn't really wanted to turn into the fearsome beast which his appearance showed in that moment, basicly because he snapped out of it instantly and secondly because he was staring at his paws again, like he did ont he evening before, when I was telling him the story of Gideon Grey.

Now he was turning into the smooth and sexy fox again, which I used to love and adore. Now he was more concentrated and motivated as usual, when there was a case to solve.

As we arrived the ZPD Headquarters ten minutes later, Clawhauser and the night shift of the reception, Donald Trunkaby, a clumbsy but friendly and clever elephant, confronted us with hundrets of facts and details, all at once of course, and we had to slow them down a little, before we were able to proceed the information we just got in our brains.

"There are sixteen foxes missing right now, the latest one was recorded two minutes ago! Some of the witnesses told us about sheep with gas masks, black minivans and chloroform gas, which they used to made them unconscious, before they could even do anything and..."

"Have you any names for us?", Bogo interrupted sharply.

"Yeah sure, give me a second.", Clawhauser stated, before typing something into his keyboard. "...there is nearly every fox in the city missing. We have a mister Sharp, his wife misses Sharp, the one from Bunnyburrow is called mister Gidean Grey...", he said before a cold shiver was running down my back. But it was getting even worse.

"...there is the whole family Phineon, a miss Wilde-" Clawhauser interrupted himself, just before pressing a paw onto his mouth, preventing himself from saying more. "I'm sorry Nicholas...she is your mother, right?", he asked fearfully.

"She is!", Nick answered snarling angrily, but stayed surprisingly calm and concentrated. "But I sort of knew that she'd be on the list, since this is a blackmail addressed to Judy and me..."

Then there was a short moment of silence.

"What about the fennecs?", Nick asked then.

"Wait a second, I'm searching...No! There is no single fennec fox missing so far..."

"I know where they are! This should get really uncomfortable...", Nick stated and pulled all eyes on him. "Mr. Big has a brother. Equally powerful but with much more criminal activities going on. Finnick is working for him quite a while now and from what I remember about them, are there a lot of sheep working for him as well. When they're hiding where I think they do, we need lots of guns, armor and officers for this!"

"But why would Finnick do something like this?", I interrupted. "Fennecs are predators as well, and I thought he used to be one of your best friends!? Why would he do something like this?", I asked in confusion.

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