Chapter 8 - A proud mother and an angry fennec (pov Judy)

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It was one of the most adorable moments in my whole life and it hit me cause I wasn't really expecting it. Nick's mother really was as he had described her in our conversation the night before. She was a very nice and loving lady on one hand, but not one to be fooled with on the other and I could have told just by listening to her, that she was related to him. She had the same proper way of speaking as he did, and she knew him a lot better in many ways than I did. Which wasn't a surprise since she was his mother, but it still felt a little odd since I spend so much time together with Nick and I didn't know much about his past.

She was speechless as we told her everything that had happened and she wasn't quite able to believe it yet either. She was very proud of him off course, for becoming the first fox Police officer and saving her from a hostage taking, and as she was finding her voice again, she started asking what felt like about a hundred questions all at once.

"How did you get to be a police officer? What happened to Finnick, why did he do that? Haven't you two been friends for many years?"

"Honestly, I don't know what happened to him" Nick interrupted, trying to slow her down a bit. "I did work with him for a long time, but now since I found something better in my life he seemed to really hate me."

"I'm sorry to interrupt..." Bogo interrupted shortly. "... but could I please ask you to come to the police office later? I know it's late but we need the statement of every single hostage and officer, so..."

We all agreed and Nick waved the keys of our police car, which was still parked somewhere around here. "Alright Chief, well join you there!"

Bogo nodded and got into his own vehicle.

"Where were we?" Nick returned our conversation. " did I become a Police officer? Haven't you heard of the night howler-case?" he asked while taking the lead towards our police car.

Miss Wilde thought about it for a second and seemed to remember after a little while.

"Yeah, right! There was this heroic police bunny in the radio news and..."

"You mean the one who's walking right next to you?" Nick interrupted with a huge grin on his face.

He seemed to love seeing his mother react like how she did right now, because it took him forever to calm down from laughing again, as his mother apologized excessively to me for not noticing sooner, which I absolutely didn't blame her for. Miss Wilde seemed to be really embarrassed by this, and I felt bad for her, because there was absolutely no reason for being embarrassed.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" she whispered ashamed as she shook my paw.

"Oh no! Please, don't be!"

"I'm getting old, you know. And I was so relieved to get out of this nightmare alive!"

"It's ok Miss Wilde! I don't blame you. How could I? I couldn't have solved this case without Nick anyway. That's why he became a police officer, because he did a great job with helping me and because he is a great guy, even if it took him a while to notice it..."

"That's the next thing I was going to ask..." she replied with a wide grin on her face as Nick opened the door for her. "How did you get that old rascal to help or trust you?"

"Mom!" Nick growled in slight annoyance while starting the engine and maneuvering out of the parking lot backwards. "Do you really have to bring that old childhood stories again now?"

"Aww, come on little Nicky!" she teased him with a bemused smile on her face.

"Yeah, please tell me those!" I begged with a wide grin on my face, which annoyed him even more. He sighed deeply as his mother started to tell me a story from his past, one he seemed to have heard a thousand times before. She told me about one of his teenage loves, who tricked him really bad and made him look like a total fool in front of his school class. At first I felt sorry for him but at the part with his ripped pants and the tack on his seat, I wasn't able to stop myself from laughing anymore.

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