Chapter 15 - perfection of a plan (Normal POV)

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After Maria had wished them a good night and left the Bathroom, Judy smiled at the plastered Nick sheepishly, as he lifted her into the air with his paws. She kissed him on the forehead and hugged him around his shoulders gently.

"Wasn't such a good idea to give him the keys, was it?" she asked then.

"So much for a relaxing evening..." he grinned back.

"Well, at least your sense of humor is still working fine..." she sighed, before smiling back at him.

"Oh, there's one more thing still working fine..."

"Yeah, I can see that!", she giggled. "But this is not the right place for it." she explained, after Nick had put her back onto her feet again. "I'll ask my mom if she has a free room for us, hold on for a second!"

"Sure, I'll wait here. Also, can you please take the black bag out of the car and bring it to me? I have some spare clothes in there!"

"Alright, give me a minute!" she said, before closing the door behind her.

On her way downstairs she met a really odd behaving Maria, who seemed to be quite stressed because of something. She was covering something behind her back and really tried to hide it from Judy's view, but Judy wasn't really bothered about this detail at the moment.

"Is everything alright Maria?" she asked a little confused, because she seemed in a hurry to get up the stairs.

"I'm fine, just forgot something outside..." Maria lied hastily. "Sleep well, Judy!"

Then she was out of sight and Judy just shrugged her shoulders.

"Judy, there you are!" Bonnie greeted her, as she arrived downstairs in the Dining room. "Is he okay?" she asked.

"Yes, he is fine, but we're both very tired and need some rest now. Is there a free room for us?"

"I'm glad to hear, I feel really sorry for him! You can take the second room to your left, on the second floor, I just changed the beds there for you."

"Great, thanks Mom! See you tomorrow!" Judy said before making her way outside the house.

"Sleep well you two!"

As Judy returned from the crashed police car, carrying Nick's bag back with her, the fluffy fox had covered himself in a white blanket in the meanwhile, and smiled at her in relief as she finally joined him again. He found a fresh pair of boxer shorts in his bag and dressed himself, before following Judy up the stairs to the second floor.

"This is our room." Judy told him, as she turned the lights on and pointed towards the big bed in the middle of the room.

"Did we finally arrive at the relaxing part?" he asked with a tired grin, before spectacularly jumping onto the matress and landing on his chest smoothly.

"Yes, we have." She giggled while undressing herself into her bra and panties, and then turning the lights off.

The blankets felt heavenly soft and inviting after that rough evening and the pleasant cooling sheets of the bed made him want to sleep even more. As Judy joined him in bed, Nick totally forgot about all the trouble from earlier and just closed his eyes happily. He hugged his beloved Judy slightly and drifted into a much needed, wonderful sleep.

"Sleep well Nicky!" were Judy's last words on that evening, just before she fell asleep as well.

One floor lower:

Maria was sitting at her little desk in her room, wrestling with her feelings. Now she had everything she needed for her plan, but she knew how dangerous this flower really is, she doubted whether or not to do this at all. She didn't want to hurt Judy, neither psychologically or physically, she loved her far too much, and she knew that she could never forgive herself about this. But she was in one of her self-destructing phases, she wanted that Fox to treat her really bad and she wanted it as soon as possible. But she knew what that flower had done to her uncle Terry, and she didn't know what it would do to an adult Fox. She figured, that the smell of the flower should be enough to make him slightly aggressive, and a whole drop of its liquid state would make him really, really, dangerous. But she hypothesised that with Viagra it would make him aggressive in a different way, instead of trying to kill, he may try to fulfill other needs instead.

But how could she do this without Judy noticing it? Pulling Nick into another room? She could never carry him, that's for sure. Pulling him down the stairs would wake him up and probably hurt him even more, due to the wounds he already had on his body.

She stared at the beautiful blue flower for a while, she then shook her head, the thought of Nick surfaced and she let her head fall onto the wooden desk in frustration and anger.

Then she had that one, game changing idea: "Nick is clever. And he loves Judy very much as it seems. He would notice the taste of the Night howlers when he wakes up, and it would instantly remind him of the danger. So he would run out of the room to save Judy from himself. When he's outside the room he won't be able to control himself anymore and he would chase after the next one he finds, me. Brilliant!"

It all seemed too easy for her right now and therefore, not even the risk of turning him into a killing monster wasn't stopping her anymore.

She started fabricating a mixture of a pill of Viagra and half a drop of Night howler extraction, which she diluted beforehand with some water and prepared it all in a small glass.

The digital alarm clock in her room showed half past one in the morning, Maria was pretty sure that she was the only one awake in this house right now. She took her mixture and sneaked upstairs quietly.

She listened through the door, where she knew her mother had prepared a bed for Nick and Judy and after a minute of silence she opened the door carefully.

She sneaked inside and what she saw was the probably the most cutest thing in history. Nick had his arms around Judy as if he was protecting her from any danger, both of them had the most peaceful expression on their faces during their slumber and both of them looked happier than she ever imagined anyone could be.

Now she was fighting her own conscience again. Could she really do this to them? They sure had a rough time today, Nick got hit by a car and they had to stand through a hostage taking a night ago... But then she saw Nick's half naked body once again and her question answered itself.

Yes, she could!

An evil grin spread across her face as she stealthily made her way towards the bed, and the sheer force of her anticipation for him, made her fulfill this incredibly stupid idea.

Carefully she crawled towards him and bend over his face. Luckily for her, his muzzle was already open about half an inch and she could easily pour in the liquid into his mouth.

She knew, that the taste of the bitter flower would wake him up very soon, so she hurried to get off of the bed and out of the room before that happens. She closed the door behind her with care and looked through the keyhole. She watched him turn around suddenly, straining his muscles a little and then waking up in discomfort.

Now she felt a shiver was run down her back. She had realized what she did and she grew afraid. She never really believed she would do it, she thought her shyness would stop her, but she did it. And now she could tell she made a mistake.

That poor Fox didn't deserve it, she felt so sorry for her vengeful act, but now it was too late. She created a monster. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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