Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Diego (Pedro/Ego)

                                                                   --Pedro's POV--

I see Nicole get into the car. She was beautiful, I wanted to say something to her but i really don't want no shit starting between me and Chresanto again. 

"Are we gonna ride in silence the whole way to work, William?" I guess that was a good way to kill the silence in the car. William turned on the radio, I guess Nicole thought it would be a good time to start talking to me.

"So Pedro, how have you been, the last time I saw you was at that party?"

"Well I have been good, I went to rehab for my arm and I'm really regretted that night because I lost one of my best friends, and you." Yes, maybe I do have a small speck of feelings for her, but when she heard I shot myself she thought I was crazy, and we never really talked after that. She doesn't know if I really did it or not, but I wantd to make sure she heard it from me.

"You know the only reason I blammed Chresanto was becuase, he was always better at getting you to go places with him, and you never really you know did anything with me. I was jealous that you liked him instead of me." She looked me right in the eye, she was really good at making eye contact.

"How do you know I don't like you? You know I actually had stonger feelings for you than I did Chresanto, but you're crazy. You drink way too much, you bring home girls you know nothing about and you always let me down. I started talking to him to forget about you, but I couldn't and I still wish today that we was how we use to be, but I guess it wasn't meant to be."

When I heard, I knew she still ad some sort of feelings for me, but I couldn't say anything about it. I didn't want to put her friendship with Chresanto in jeopardy. I had to keep my feelings to myself. My drinking problem is gone now, I went to AA rehab during the summer fro 2 moths, then I got my own place and started working as a DJ to get some extra income. I just wanted her to see my life now, I wanted to be with her. I just couldn't do that to Chres after what I have already did to ruin his life.

                                                                  --End of Pedro's POV--

                                                                        --William's POV--

I'm sitting in the car driving, hearing all this bull. UGH! Sometimes I wish my friends and Pedro weren't always getting into shit they can't handle. Like really, I got my own problems to deal with. Alayna is the love of my life, but I feel like we don't do anything anymore. We never even make out now, and she wants to save her virginity until she's married. Let's see how long that lasts. 

                                                             --End of William's POV--


(After work)

                                                                   --Nicole's POV--

William pulled up to my apartment complex, Pedro was in the car (he had to do something and needed a ride back home) he stared at me before I walked out the car.


"Can we keep in touch, you know liek give me your number?"

I thought about it for a while, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. So I wrote my number down on a piece of paper I found on the car floor adn wrote my number on it.

"I'll call you tonight, Pedro."

"Okay, love you." i haven't heard him say that in a loooonnnnggg time. I was scaed to answer back, did I still love Pedro. I guess I did. I answered back:

"Love you too!" Damn why did I say that. Well, I did still, but I didn't want him to know that.

I walked up the stairs and opened the door. Chresanto was walking around the house with his shirt of. He was sooo ripped. (Pedro wasn't even close to that body.) He walked up and kissed me on the cheeck. I guess we are a couple now.

"Hey baby." 

I thought about what to answer back. I don't remember ever saying we was officically a thing, but I wanted to be with him, didn't I?

"Hey babe." 

Why me? Why didn't Pedro show up sooner? I didn't want to choose bewteen my sister, Chresanto, and Pedro now. It seemed like everybody already had some type of title for me, without consulting about it. What about me?


So now you know why I titled this story What About Me? And Itza will have her own problems that will be talked about in the next chapter. So yeah, keep reading.



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