Chapter 14

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∞Ariel's P.O.V.∞

After Lime (or whatever the fuck his real name is) says that, he disappears out of thin air before any of us can stop him. All these thoughts were spinning around in my head to the point where I couldn't hear any of the yelling inside the guild hall.

"Are you ok?" I look up and see Lucy standing over me with her hand on my shoulder. I nod, shaking her hand off my shoulder and run over to Aldianna. I push Hale out of the way, who glares at me.

I see her teary eyed face, and I know it's not because she got punched in the face. I think it's because she doesn't understand rejection. I pull her in for a hug, which is unusual for me considering I hate human interaction.

"I'll kill that twat" I pull away and stand up. The whole guild looks over.

"We're not a dark guild. We don't kill anyone" Gramps says, looking at me sternly.

"I need to leave. Ice boy, help Ally then let Hale bring her home" I say to Gray, and he nods, bringing Ally over to Mira so they can clean up her face.

"And where are you going?" Hale comes up and asks me sceptically.

"Does it matter?" I stare at her.

"It was just a question, jeez" Hale rolls her eyes and walks away.

I pull open the doors, closing them behind me and make my way to the forest, where I climb my way up a tree and think.

Lime deserves to die, but I can't kill him. I want to though. Is that a bad thing to think? I feel a hand on my hand and I freak out, almost causing me to fall off the tree.

"Calm down, it's just me" Lime laughs maniacally. I get my magic ready, when I remember that I stand no chance against him.

"What do you want?" I yell at him.

"Oh Ariel, sweet, sweet Ariel" He starts. "I can see potential in you. You, and Gajeel for that matter" I stare at him confused. Gajeel and I?

"You both have a hint of evil in you, though Gajeel's may be a little in the past tense" He looks amused at my facial expressions.

"Don't act surprised. I can hear your thoughts. It made me so... So relieved that someone thinks like me. Someone as evil as me" Lime smirks at me. I jump off the tree, and he follows my moves.

"I'M NOT EVIL!" I screech, making the birds fly away from their trees. I look in front of me, but instead of seeing Lime I see the worried faces of my guild members.

"Is she insane?" I hear Natsu ask. I was still in the forest. What just happened? I whip around, looking everywhere for Lime.

"Ariel..." Hale comes forward and touches my arm gently.

"Wh-what..." I was so confused. My head was spinning, and I heard something. It was Lime. He was in my head, chanting something, but every time I tried to focus on his words my head would start hurting.

"We heard screaming so we all ran out and found you... Like this" Aldianna says softly.

"Can you explain what has happened Ariel?" Erza questions.

"I was sitting on the tree and Lime was suddenly sitting next to me, telling me things like Gajeel and I were evil, a-and I yelled at him and now he's gone" I say. "But he's not gone. I can hear him in my head he's trying to talk to me and it hurts"

"She definitely gone insane" Gray says to Natsu. Though, Natsu looks genuinely worried.

"I've read about this before. This magic allows the Mage to take over people's minds, making them hallucinate and see things. Lime was never actually in front of you, he was just saying these things to you and you hallucinated him standing in front of you" Levy tells us.

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