Chapter 8

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∞Ariel's P.O.V.∞

"We're stuck" I hear. I groan and stomp my foot impatiently.

"Aldianna can't you just poof us out or something?" I ask her but she was too busy looking at the bodies on the ground around her. She was pale and looked like she was about to throw up. I will admit, it was weird seeing a dead me on the floor.

I hear the stupid paranormal voices surrounding me again making me shiver.

"Are you ok?" I hear Natsu quietly ask me.

"Yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I lie, I think everyone here knew I was lying. Natsu looks at me with uncertainty. He was about to respond again when all the lights go out. I hear Cora scream and clutch onto my leg.

"S-scared of the dark" She trembles.

"Well now I can't see the spiders" Hale shrugs.

"I can't see the bodies" Aldianna says quietly.

"I can't fucking see anyone" I whip around, looking everywhere. I groan tugging my hair.

"Fear of being alone..." I say. Aldianna never told me that she could get us out of this.

"Aldianna?" I yell out. I don't care about Hale, she was on Gajeel's back so she's fine, Aldianna is the one who can get me out of this mess so I need her. I then notice a demonic child faced across from me slowly creeping closer. I back up but find myself against a wall. It grins at me and I shiver at the sight.

Will this be how I die? Can I even die in heaven? But, if this paranormal thing is real can't anything be real? If that's the case, then I can summon a sword.

I feel the cool metal blade in my hand and I smile, twisting it around. Think outside the box, I guess. I can't wait to tell everyone how smart I am.

I charge forward and stab the child in the chest, and immediately after a bright light appears, blinding me.

•le time skip•

I groan, sitting up. I was in a different room, and everyone was lazily sitting near me.

"Oh thank god, she's finally up" I hear Gray say.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

"Well you see," An angel nurse person came over to me. "To leave the fear zone, you must challenge yourself and concur at least one of your fears. Heaven time is different to earth land time you see, so you have been in there longer then everyone else. It may be due to the reason your brain is slightly smaller then everyone-"

"But I was so proud of myself!" I cry sitting up completely.

"Oh I'm sorry! Now I feel bad" Aldianna comes over and hugs me, whilst Hale just snickers in the corner. I glare at her.

"What did you do, kill a bunny?" I roll my eyes.

"Maybe..." She trails off and I laugh at her.

"How could you kill a bunny?!" Natsu cries.

"There, there" Gray pats his back.

"HANDS OFF ICE PRINCESS!" He angrily shouts.

"I WAS JUST COMFORTING YOU" Gray yells back at him.

"Must they be so loud?" The angel girl from earlier asks.

"They're always like this" Erza explains. Gajeel pulls them both apart, glaring at them.

"I'm Ariel by the way, what's your name?" I ask the angel.

"I'm Virtue" She smiles kindly. Hale comes to her side and grabs her arm.

"She's my guardian angel" Hale smirks. I grab Aldianna's arm and pull her to me.

"My angel's cooler" I say "Right Aldianna?" Aldianna blushes.

"You're embarrassing me" Aldianna whines.

"Is this really necessary?" Virtue asks.

"Hey, how about you come back with us, join fairy tail?" Hale says to Virtue.

"I'm afraid that I can't miss" Virtue starts "I must stay here, heaven is my home, plus I'm still going through rehab. Though I will pop in to say hi to you every now and again" Virtue smiles.

"It'd be nice to have some other angels around every once in a while" Aldianna sighs. Gray slings an arm around her shoulder, grinning.

"You love us" He says making her blush.

"I do, really" She says back.

"Look! We all love each other" Aldianna states, smiling from ear to ear "With the exception of Ariel, Natsu, and Hale"

Natsu walks over to me and slings his arm around my shoulder, like Gray did to Aldianna. I tense.

"What are you doing?" I say through clenched teeth.

"Well if Gray can do it why can't I?" Natsu grins cheekily at me, but not for long as I grab his hand and flip him over, I hear Virtue gasp.

"I'm glad that my combat class came in handy" I mumble, hearing Natsu groan on the floor.

"I thought we were all supposed to love each other" He frowns on the floor.

"Aw that's cute Natsu" I smile. Everyone smirks at me, while Hale just snickers. I go beat red.

"N-not like that!" I say.

"Ariel's in looooooove" Happy sings.

"They'd be so cute!" Aldianna cheers, making Hale laugh harder.

"You're standing pretty close to Gajeel there, Hale" I spit at her, while helping Natsu up. She scoffs.

"Can we just go home now?" Hale asks Aldianna. She nods.

"Everyone has to hold hands again" She explains.

"Visit soon!" Hale calls to Virtue, who smiles and nods. Soon, we were all back in Aldianna, Hale and I's apartment.

"Man, I'm hungry" Natsu complains.

"Aye" Happy agrees.

"I could go for some cake" Erza announces.

"I'm with Erza" Gray nods.

"I need some grub" Gajeel plops himself down on our couch.

"I'm really hungry" Lucy whines and does puppy dog eyes at us.

"Well, would you guys like to stay for dinner?" Hale asks. We hear a chorus of yes's back.

"Ok guys, come on then" I say to Aldianna and Hale, leading them to the kitchen.

"I don't know how to use the oven" Aldianna frowns at the oven.

"I'm not a very good cook" I mumble sheepishly.

"I'm not terrible" Hale says, shrugging.

"I've got an idea! Why don't we just order food and tell them that we made it!" Aldianna claps her hands together. I look into the living room and see that they've already found our game console, and were fighting over controllers.

"Nope we're gonna make this food" Hale exclaims, excited. Aldianna and I groan.

"Just great" Aldianna grumbles, staring down the oven.

"I thought you were supposed to be the nice one!" Hale says, shocked.

"Technically I'm only supposed to be nice to Ariel" Aldianna shrugs.

"Let's get cooking!" Aldianna pulls out a pan from the cupboard making all the other one's crash down to the floor.

I don't think this is going to go down well.

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