Chapter 3

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"I CALL A ROOM BY MY SELF!!" Hale yells.

"HEY THATS NO FAIR!! WE JUST GOT HERE!!" Ariel yells, starting a fight. "PLUS I HAVE A CAT!"

"I wish they would stop fighting and give me some strawberries." Cora tugs on my wing, sighing.

"The pink things?" I ask

"Yeah but they're more red." Cora explains as Hale and Ariel fight in the background.

Hearing Hale and Ariel fight is like hearing two angels fighting over a harp. Usually by now I would be back in heaven so I wouldn't have to deal with these two, but I'm on the run. I've been on the run for 2 months, since I stole the 1st trumpet out of the 7 trumpets of the apocalypse, this causing me to be on the 'wanted' list. An angel named Raziel had plans to blow the first horn of the trumpets starting the apocalypse, I being only one who heard, had to stop it. Long story short, I stole the horn, 'angel police' think I'm a thief and I'm trying to start the apocalypse, and now I'm wanted. Basically you could call me a run away from heaven.

"Hey Aldianna!" Ariel breaks me out of thoughts "Want to a share a room with me and Cora?"

"I guess I have no choice." I laugh a bit seeing as Hale is already getting comfy in the single room.

"Why even are you down here with our sorry asses?" Ariel asks mumbling as she sets up her and Cora's bed.

"It was my choice." I lie, not wanting to tell the truth.

"Sure, princess." Ariel says falling back first on her bed.

Princess? I'm no princess. Is this what we call people down on Earth?

"HEY ASSHOLES!!" Hale yells barging into our room.

Asshole? Im an asshole too?

"Asshole?" Ariel says standing up trying to intimidate Hale "Who you calling an asshole?!?"

"" Hale smirks



"Enough!!! Both of you!!" I yell "Both of you should shut your lips and stop arguing or I chop off your tongues!"

Hale and Ariel burst out laughing and Cora looks at me shocked "Sorry, it's an angel punishment."

"That's quite harsh." Cora says.

"How about we go to this shopping place!" I pipe up smiling "Plus we need new gowns and I need a new halo!"

"I don't do 'gowns'." Ariel stats "and sorry but half the people on this world don't sell halos."

"WELL IM GOING SHOPPING!!" I laugh running to the door but quickly get tugged back by Hale pulling on my wings. "OUCH!"

"We need to cover these wings unless you want to be in a freak show." Hale says "Wow these are soft!"

"Really?! Let me feel!"

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