It's alright

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"How have things been going on at home, Shae?" Maya asked me. I hated this question with a passion. I hated talking about my home life and my family.

I don't have a bad life or a bad family but there are some things that are better left alone and this was one of them. My house always had a strange vibe to it. It was still and careful, and everyone was walking on eggshells. Mostly around me.

"Okay." I shrugged. I didn't want her to tell me how I should communicate with my mother more often for the benefit of our relationship. No matter what I told her about my home life, her biggest thing was that I needed to talk to my mom more often and spend more time with her so that she knew I loved her. I personally found this idea ridiculous. She's never met my mother, she has no idea what our relationship is like.

She gave me an unimpressed look. I never gave her the answers that she wanted. I didn't go into immediate detail with everything in my life when she asked me a question. "How are things with your mom?" She asked, continuing to attempt to pry things out of me.

I shrugged at the question, "Good, I guess." Nothing was wrong with my relationship with my mom. We weren't very close, but we didn't fight. "The same as always." I finished. She knew how things were with my mom.

We never fought, because she treated me like I was made of glass. She has since the day my first therapist told her that I had depression. From that day on she thought that the slightest thing would set me off and I would go insane or try to kill myself. I've tried to tell her that I would rather her treat me like a normal person, but she just says that she already does and goes about the rest of her day, acting like I'm going to break.

Maya nodded, understanding that nothing had changed since the last time she asked me about my mom. I opened up to her once before about it, telling her that my mom thought there was something terribly wrong with me and acted like I couldn't function as a normal human being. Maya knew that my mom wanted a normal happy kid, but got the opposite. She knew it made me feel like there really was something wrong with me, like maybe I am going crazy, but after that one session, I never spoke about it again.

"And your dad?" She asked, leaning forward like she was truly interested. I could tell she wasn't though. I had to keep in mind that she was being paid to listen to me, she probably didn't really care about my dad at all.

My dad was an interesting man. He ran a business, but it was unclear about what exactly it was that he did. I never really paid any attention, but he was also almost never home. "Also the same." I answered. I couldn't remember a time that my dad stayed home to spend time with us. Not since i was really little anyway. He was always gone, and he says it's all for work but I don't know about that much. I think he was probably trying to get away from me and my mom and all the problems we cause. I never leave my room when I am home, and my mom is constantly worrying about me. It would make any normal man want to get away, so I couldn't blame him for not being around that much, but that didn't make it hurt any less. 

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