Chapter 1 (Niall's point of view.)

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Chapter 1  (Nialls’ point of view.)

“How could she?” I thought as I sat in the V.I.P. section in the club. “5 years and she throws it all away.”  

I tried to shake off the wonder thoughts of my past relationship as I sat alone. I looked around the empty room I thought about going and getting another drink or even trying to find a girl but my body wouldn’t let me. It wasn’t that I couldn’t get anyone. I was Niall Horan for god’s sake. That name had died though. It had been 4 years since One Direction’s last concert. Zayn was married to Perrie. Liam was serious with Sophia. Louis was engaged to Eleanor. Harry was well, Harry had his fair share of girls, and at the time I was with Ellie. None of us could continue with the band with all of that. Yes I was still Niall Horan but I wasn’t the same Niall. Ellie changed me. The partying, the drugs, the random hooking up. It all ended for someone who was supposed to be different. 

“So much for that”, I scoffed. 

Both bouncers turned their faces towards me and I waved them off. I was about to pull myself off the couch when I heard the heavy steps of what could only be my best pal Harry. 

“Niall what are you doing?” Harry asked, his words slurring from the alcohol. “There are plenty of women out there who love some of ye old lucky charms.” 

Harry laughed at his terrible Irish accent and attempted to wink.  He fell on the couch next to me and closed his eyes. 

“Harry I don’t want to hook up with anybody.” I said a little irritated. “It's too soon.”

Harry quickly sat up and stared at me. 

“Oh right, Mr. Goody goody doesn’t get laid anymore. Snap out of it, she cheated on you!”

Harry’s words stung and I glared at him. 

“Alright, mate.” He continued. “I’m going to take off. Take this.”

Harry handed me a small clear bag filled with a white powder. He winked at me as he walked past the guards and towards the door with some random girl. I lifted the clear bag to my face and smelled the white powder. Give it to Harry to give me grade cocaine after a night like tonight. 

I thought about getting up and going back to my hotel room. I didn’t have a home to go back to anymore. When I found out about Ellie, I packed and left. She crossed a line and I wasn’t able to face her about it. Just as I leaned back a young girl ran through the doors and past the bouncers. I could tell she had been running a while and she was hiding from someone. 

“Hey you!” A large bouncer yelled. “You’re coming back with me.” 

The girl looked at me in a panic and I quickly reacted. 

“What do you think you’re doing talking to my girlfriend like that?”

The bouncer looked at me and then at the girl. He seemed confused, probably because this girl wasn’t Ellie and looked nothing like her.

“I’m sorry sir.” He said before exiting the room.

The young girl caught her breath and then sat up on the couch with me. 

“Thank you so much!” 

I nodded and she rested her hand on my thigh. 

“I really owe you.” She continued. 

I stared into her dark blue eyes and smiled. This was the most interesting thing that had happened all night, plus the drugs were just starting to kick in. her lips crashed against mine before I could react. Before I knew it she was sitting on my lap her hands tangled in my hair. She pulled back slightly and a few strands of blonde hair fell in front of her face. I put it behind her ear and she giggled slightly. 

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