Chapter 9 (Ashton's point of view)

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                "Say it!" She giggled out she straddles my waist on the bed.

                "Nope." I replied, my lips curving into a smile.

she lowed her mouth to my neck slowly leaving soft kisses. my body started to get tense.

                "Say it." She said again but in a hushed voiced.

her words sent hot breath down my neck.

                "I can't."

She sat up quickly and looked me in the eye.

                "i should have known this was a joke to you."

she stood up and grabbed her bag, leaving me alone on the bed.

                "Cassie wait!"

she turned around to face me.

                "THis is not a joke but i just, i can't."

                "It's okay Ashton, its not like i actually cared aobut you, you know, enough to say 'I love you'."

she slammed the door and fell on to the bed again.'



                "Ashton, bro, Are you okay?"

i looked up and nodded.

                "Sorry, i was thinking about things, Where is Cassie?"

                "I don't know." Michael replied, Looking around. "Her and Luke were gone when I woke."

i felt my face get red as i thought about Luke leaving with Cassie.

                "I swear to god if that little punk tries an...."

                "Shut up!" Calum cut me off, while waking up.

i shook my head and stood up, walking to the bathroom. Blonde hair covered the small tile floor.

                "Of course she did." I mumbled, before grabbing a shirt of the shower rod and going back to the main room.

                "There at the Denny's down the block." Michael said.

i nodded and we all went outside, walking down the street like some odd gang. we were all pretty hung over but we were able to get there and find Luke sitting alone in a booth.

                "Where's Cassie?" I asked sitting across from him.

                “ She’s in the bathroom but I need to say something.”

I nodded and looked him in the eyes.

                “ I know how you feel about this girl and I know how miserable you were after you let her go, now she obviously still cares about you because she came back after 6 years. You are not going to let her go, I want you to take her to go get her stuff and help her feel comfortable, after that you’re going to take her somewhere and tell her how much you love her. I’m not letting her walk away again and I’m not letting you give her a reason too.”

I took a deep breath and agreed. I was about to reply to his little lecture when I felt Cass slide in next to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

                “What did I miss?” She asked with a smile.

                “Nothing, Ashton and I were just trying to figure out our day plans.”

Luke shot me a quick glance and I nodded.

                “We need to go get your stuff from your old apartment and get you set up at the flat.”

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