Chapter 7

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A cloud of smoke came out of the apartment making the figure look blurry. I looked down at my feet and let my long hair cover my face. 

“What are you doing here Cassie?” He asked a little frustrated. 

“I don’t know.” I whispered, still looking down. 

“You should go.” 

The door started to close but I put my foot in between the door and the frame. 

“Please Ashton.”

He took a deep breath and opened the door. 

“You have balls showing up here again.”

We walked inside, Ashton’s tall frame sheilding mine.

“Who was it?” 

I stepped closer to Ashton when I heard the deep voice of Calum. My nose was almost pressed into his back. 

“You still love with them?” I whispered, starting to get nervous. 

Ashton ignored me and started talking to the group. 

“You’ll never believe who decided to come back. 

Ashton stepped to the side reveiling me. The only sound was the music playing through the blown out speakers. 

“Well I guess the party is over.” Micheal said, turning the stereo off. “Now what the fuck is going on?”

“Yea, Cassie.” Ashton said, turing towards me. “What the fuck is going on?”

I took a deep breath and brushed my hands through my hair. 

“My best friend is dying and there are 2 retired popstars in my house.”

“Always an adventure with you, Cassie.” Luke said standing up. “I didn’t understand that at all.” 

I wasn’t sure what else to say so I just stood there looking a the four of them. 

“Maybe we should go for a walk.” Ashton suggested. 

I turned and walked out the door, Ashton close behind. We didn’t talk until we were outside and down the street from the apartment complex. The rain had stopped and we walked. 

“So would you like to explain what’s going on?”

“ I thought id did.” I muttered”

“ Not even a little bit.” 

“So basically, I fucked Niall Horan from One Direction, he found me, I agreed to go out with him, Paige got hit by a car, and I panicked and came here.”

“Um, Wow.” He said looking down. “How did you get yourself into this.”

“I’m good like that.”

We walked together in silence both of us thinking to oursleves. 

“So what made you come here?” Ashton asked.

“ I missed you.” I whispered. 

Ashton stopped walking and turned to look at me. 

“You missed me?! You told me to fuck off and then slammed my own door in my face.”

“You didn’t want to talk about things!” I rebuted. “All you wanted was sex, I couldn’t do that!”

“I Thought that’s what Friends with Benefits did!” He practically yelled back. 

“Oh Right.” I said sarcastically, “My bad for starting to  care about you.”

“If you cared you would have told Paige about me.” He said. 

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