Chapter 8

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 I woke up the next morning, my head leaning against the bathroom wall. Hair was all over the floor and a pair of scissors were throw across the room. I slowly stood up and looked in the mirror. My long blonde hair was unevenly cut at my shoulders. I groaned and walked out of the bathroom. Ashton and Michael were still passed out in the same spots and Calum was leaning against the fridge. When I walked over to where Ashton was I heard Luke come up behind me.

               “They’re going to be out for a while, do you want to go get breakfast?’’

               “Let me get somewhat cleaned up.” I whispered back.

I went into the bedroom and grabbed a shirt of Ashton’s before pulling my hair into a messy ponytail. I walked back out to the main room and noticed Michael’s intense blue hair. I pointed at it raised my eyebrow. Luke mouthed ‘I’ll tell you in a minute’ and then we walked outside. Neither one of us spoke until we got to a small Denny’s. The waiter led us to a table and took our drink order and then we were left alone.

               "Micheal's Hair, explain." I said taking a sip of water.

               "Right before you cut yours off, he kind of dyed his blue."

i giggled and shook my head.

               "It's good to have you back, Cass." Luke said looking down

               "And why is that?"

               "You just fit in our little group really well." He replied. "And Ashton really needs you."

i took a deep breath and bit my lip.

               "I came to L.A. to starrt over new, and after meeting Ashton i fell back into the same patterns. When Ashton said he couldn't comitt i realized that I needed to start over for real."

               "I can't tell you how many times he woke up in the middle of the night worried about you. He actually looked for you for a while but i can see why he couldn't find you."

               "Yea, People say i've chhanged, i actually started going by Kat."

Luke laughed and shook his head.

               "That's awful."

               "Luke, I can't go on tour with you guys."

Luke took a deep breath and nodded.

               "Ashton isn't going to like that. He just got you back, I don't think he is ready to lose you again."

               " I'm not going to leave, i'll stay at the apartment, but with Paige in the hospital and all, i don't think i can be gone for 6 months."

               "Speaking of which, what happened to Paige."

               "Harry let her cross the fucking street and she got hit by a car."

               "You make it sound like she doesnt know how to cross the street."

               "She doesnt."

i took another drink of water when Luke's phone vibrated, he pulled it out and read the incoming text.

               "It's Micheal, he said they are all awake and Ashton is worried, they're gonna come down here." I nodded and leaned back into the booth.

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