Chapter 6

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I hurriedly opened the door and Niall pushed me in, his hand firmly on my lower back. I was about to turn and face Niall when Harry jumped up from the couch and ran to us. 

“Kat! Where is your phone!” I pulled it out of my pocket and showed it to him. 

“What are you doing here?” I asked, Putting it back. 

“Why didn’t you answer it?” He asked frantically. 

“It was Paige, I’ll talk to her later.”

“Not if she is dead.” Harry whispered, going back to the couch. 

“What hell are you talking about?” I asked sitting next to him. “You’re acting weird. Where is Paige?” 

Harry looked at his feet and ran his hand through his thick brown curls. 

“She was hit by a car.” He said looking back up. “I was calling off her phone so you could just go to the hospital, when you didn’t answer my call or the hospitals I came here to wait for you guys.”

My breathing started to increase and Niall came over to us, letting Harry continue. 

“The car didn’t see her, I rode in the Ambulance with her.” 

I felt a tear run down my cheek as I listened to his story. Niall crouched in front of me and started to talk but I wasn’t listening. His words just a hum as flashbacks from 8 years ago crashed my mind. 

“What hospital is she at?” I asked in a whisper. 

“3rd street.” Harry replied. 

“Maybe we should go down there and check on her.” Niall continued. 

I stood up and grabbed the keys to our truck we never needed to drive. Niall started to walk over to me but I turned and walked out the door, closing it behind me. The car ride to the hospital felt like an eternity. I hadn’t driven in so long and it was a stressful ride. 

“You could use a fucking blinker!” I yelled to the car in front of me. 

I arrived at the hospital and ran straight to the front desk, they led me down a million halls, it was like amaze that’s never ending. When I walked in the room I saw Paige covered in bandages, tubes coming out of her mouth. My breath caught in my throat as I choked out a sob. 

“You must be Cassie.” 

I spun around to see a large man in a white doctor’s coat standing behind me. I nodded quickly and he picked up a large file off the counter. 

“And you are her only family she has in the area?”

“Yes, she is my sister, in a way.”

The doctor nodded and motioned for me to follow him. We walked through the hospital and into the cafeteria. After sitting down he started to shift through papers. 

“As you can see she is in critical condition.” He stated. “she hit her head on the pavement after impact.”

I nodded and took a deep breath. 

“We still have some tests to run but it is known that she is in a coma. She can feel everything that is going on but she cannot hear or see, at the  moment she is living in her own mind, almost like a movie.”

I nodded again and he started to go through the papers again. 

“Now you being her only real family in the area, I’m going to need you to fill this out and hand it back to the front desk. We promise to call you as soon as something happens.”

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