Chapter 5

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“So you have never actually been to the Hollywood sign?” I asked, as our legs dangled off the edge. 

“Not like this!” He replied looking around. “Why don’t you go to the monument like everyone else?”

“It’s more private up here.” I replied with a smile. 

“On the balcony of a deserted apartment? What if someone rents it?”

“Its above a bar in down town L.A. No one wants to live here.”

“let me guess.” He said looking at me. “You do?”

“I’ve thought about renting the place but I don’t think I could afford it. They $600 a month, the palace I’m in is only $300.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s because it would be too small for Thumbelina.”

“It’s homey!” I defended. 

“Whatever.” HE replied. “Have you been inside this one?” 

I nodded and jumped up, grabbing his hand. I lead him to the back door and wiggled the door handled, it was locked like always but the door popped open. 

“The door has been broken for 4 years.”

He nodded and followed me inside. The place was furnished and actually looked like an apartment. 

“This would be my bedroom!” I said excitedly ,pulling him to the back bedroom. 

“Why this one?” 

I ran over to the window and pulled the curtains up, reveling the view of the street. 

“I like to people watch.”

He laughed and walked over putting his arms around me waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. 

“No I’m not done yet!” I said pushing him back and running in the living room. “The couch folds into a bed!” 

I showed Niall the entire apartment, explaining every part I liked and all my plans. We finally got back out to the patio and I sat on the ground with my back against the wall. 

“And out here I would put a couch and small barbeque so I could sit under the stars next to the fire.” 

Niall smiled and sat down next to me. 

“You really have it all figured out.”

“I really do.” I said. 

I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked at the apartment I dreamed of having.  After a couple minutes I swung my legs over and straddled Niall’s lap. 

“I have a problem.” I whispered, pressing my forehead against his. “ I’m really starting to like you.” 

“Is that really a problem?” he said with a slight smirk. 

Before I could reply Niall crushed his lips against mine. My hands tangled in his hair, his fingers pressing into my hip bones. We stayed like this for a good 10 minutes before I heard the song. “Oh Darling,” Play. 

“That’s Paige.” I said, sliding off of Niall. 

He groaned and ran his hands through his hair. 

“I know I said I wouldn’t get in between you two, but can this wait please.’ 

I looked down at the screen flashing Paige’s picture and then back up at Niall. I hit the mute on my phone and climbed back onto to Niall. After a couple minutes Niall stopped and pushed my shoulders back. 

“Maybe we should take this home.”

I nodded and we ran down the stairs, flagging down a cab

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