Chapter 4

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“Seriously! Again?” I heard Paige yell from the Bedroom door. “And on the couch?”

I groaned and sat up, letting Niall’s arms fall from my body. He yawned slightly and pulled the covers over his face. 

“You’re one to talk.” I replied, standing up and stretching. “Where is the curly haired lover anyway?”

“In bed, I couldn’t wake him up.” 

“Well it is only 12:00pm.” I said with a laugh. 


I started laughing harder and nodded.

“Sounds like a great idea.”

I wrote a quick note letting the boys know where we were and we walked out of the apartment. Neither one of us changed cloths and our hair was a mess but it didn’t really matter. We got to the local Einstein Bagels and I went up to the front to order while she found a table. I brought our bagels and cream cheese to the table and sat in the booth seat across from her. 

“I don’t even know how to start this conversation.” I finally said

“I do!” Paige said with a smile. “What did you and Niall do on your walk?”

“Cried in the park while Niall pet me.”

Paige stared at me confused. 

“Well we started at that 24 hour diner down the street and he hit a sensitive spot so I ran out and ended  up crying in the park.”

Paige still looked confused. 

“I had to tell him about Stacy.”

“Oh.” She whispered. “8 years ago today.”

 I nodded and started to play with my bagel. 

“We shouldn’t think about this, things are finally going pretty well for us.” 

Paige agreed and we finished our food. 

“Can I ask you something?” I said after a while. 

She nodded and waited fir me to continue. 

“How is it that I leave the room for 5 minutes and you end up with your tongue down a stranger’s throat.”

She blushed and pushed her messy hair out of her face. 

“Maybe I was trying to be like you!” She shot back. 

“That was uncalled for!” 

She smiled and continued. 

“Actually we had been flirting all movie and when we were trying to pick the popcorn up he just kind of kissed me.”

“But you were on top of him.”

“I may have taken things into my own hands.” Paige replied with a wink.

“I’ll say!” 

Paige slapped my hand and leaned back. 

“What about you and Niall? Are you guys a thing?”

“I don’t think so.” I replied, looking down. “I don’t think I’m ready.”

I saw Paige start to wave her hand and I immediately looked behind me. I saw Niall and Harry start to walk our way. 

“Well does he know you’re not ready?” She asked before they got here.

Niall sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. 

“hey babe.”

“Apparently Not!” I replied to Paige. 

“Apparently not, what?” Harry asked

“We’re debating on where to hide the body.” I said shooting a look at Harry. 

“I’m pretty sure that my cue to go order.” Harry replied, standing up. 

“I’m going to go fix my hair!” Paige said smiling at us. 

“Good luck with that!” I said, sticking my tongue out.


I laughed and she got up, leaving Niall and I alone. 

“Niall, we need to talk.” I said before he could say something. 

“About what, princess.”

“About that!” I snapped. “I never agreed to be your girlfriend.”

“I thought it was implied.” He whispered. 

“Implied with what?”

“You poured your heart out to me and then invited me to stay the night.”

“My roommate had your ride home a little occupied, was I supposed to make you sleep in the hall?’’

“What about the moment in the park? I thought we were going to give this a try.”

“And I told you why I don’t think it was a good idea.”

“Is there anyway I could change your mind.”

“You could get me another bagel.”

Niall laughed and stood up to go up to the front. A couple minutes later Paige sat back down, her hair pulled up in a messy bun like mine. Before she had the time to speak Niall and Harry joined us again. Niall set the bagel in front of me and looked at me with hope and worry. 

“Thanks Babe.” I said, kissing him on the cheek. 

Paige squealed and pulled her feet to her chest. Everyone at the table laughed and Harry just looked at me. 

“Can I help you?” I asked. 

“Are you that girl that slapped me outside the club?”

“Someone is a little slow.”

Paige giggled and put her face in her knees. Harry leaned down and whispered in her ear. Paige’s head shot up as she listened to him. I could see the smirk on Harry’s face as he leaned back and watched her. 

“So…Um…We need to go, Like now.”

I raised me eyebrow while she talked. 

“Do you have class tonight?”

“No, I don’t Paige.” I responded. “My last class of the year is next week.

“Fantastic! That’s great! So we’re gonna go and um…..I’ll see ya tonight.”

“Have fun.” I responded. 

Her and Harry quickly got up from the booth and left the bagel joint. 

“Did you and Harry bring the car down here?”

Niall nodded as he finished his last bite. 

“Well I’m pretty sure he left you here.”

“Lets do something then!” He suggested. “What do you usually do on a Tuesday?”

“Sleep and hang out with Paige.”

“Do you ever do anything without Paige?”

“Was Paige in the hotel room with us the other night?”


I laughed and stuck my tongue out before standing up and walking towards the door. 

“Where are we going?” Niall asked, following closely behind. 

Sight seeing! I chirped. 

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