Chapter 10 (Cassie's Point of View)

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I stared into the bathroom mirror of the restaurant, a tear slowly falling down my cheek. My phone was still behind the faucet. my breathing started to increase at a fast pace as I thought about all the memories I had with Paige.

 "SHES NOT FUCKING DEAD." I screamed into the my reflection. 

Tears started to pour down my face as I realized that she was never coming back. after a couple more minutes and i pulled myself together. I grabbed my phone and slowly walked out of the bathroom. i saw ashton sitting where i was and i slowly slid into the booth next to him. he wrapped his arm around me and i muster up a smile. 

“What did I miss?” I asked. 

“Nothing, Ashton and I were just trying to figure out our day plans.” Luke said quickly

“We need to go get your stuff from your old apartment and get you set up at the flat.” Ashton finished. 

"Actually, im gonna do that by myself." I said and got up to go. 

before anyone could stop me i hailed a cab and went straight to the apartment. i ran inside the unlocked door and went straight to the bathroom. I heard Harry yell and follow me. 

"Where the hell have you been Kat. Niall is worried sick."

"SHes dead." I whispered, falling to the ground. 

Harry nodded and sat down with me. 

"I'm so sorry Kat."

"Will you go get me some water."

Harry stood up and walked to the kitchen and pulled myself off the floor. before he got back i grabbed all the painkillers from cabinet. i fell back to ground and started to swallow the pills. 

"Kat! STOP!" I heard harry scream, but it was too late. 

i was gone. i closed my eyes, letting the medication shut me down

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