Chapter 3

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“Will you please help me?” I begged as I tried to cover up the scorched wall. 

“Why?” Paige questioned. “It really shows who we are.”

I rolled my eyes and gave up, letting the old blanket fall to the ground. I had the entire apartment pretty clean and I was going to fold my blankets and stack my pillows at the end of the couch. 

“bringing him here is a really bad idea .” Paige said. 

I looked up and raised my eyebrow. 

“It  just is.” 

I was about to say something back when we heard the door rattle and open. 

“Remind me why we gave you a key to the apartment.” I asked, annoyed. 

“Because I’m fabulous.” He Replied with a smirk.

I softly giggled and grabbed my hair straighter of the floor. 

“You’re straightening your hair?” Paige asked in disbelief. “You don’t even want to see him.”

“I’m just trying to clean up.” I replied. 

I walked into the bathroom and put my stuff on my side of our only cabinet. I went ahead and stood in front of the mirror, running my hands through my wavy hair, wet hair. 

“You should where your hair down more often.”

I spun around and saw Tim standing in the doorway. 


“Yea it looks good.” He replied. 

I laughed and walked over wrapping my arms around him. 

“I don’t want to do this.” 

“What’s wrong?” he asked worried. 

I backed out of his grip and sat onto the floor. Tim sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. 

“I don’t date, I don’t like people, I don’t want someone in MY house, and I just don’t wanna.”

Tim laughed at my words. 

“Maybe you should give him a chance. He still wanted you after you spilt water down his back.”

“Whose fault was that?” I snapped. 

He shrugged and helped me stand up. 

“it will be fine.” 

He walked out of the bathroom and I looked back at mirror.  I quickly pulled my hair into a messy bun and followed him out. I thought about just walking out the door, walking through the rain and leaving but a knock on the door stopped that though. The 3 of all exchanged quick glances before Tim jumped up and opened the door. Paige motioned for me to sit on the couch next to her and I ran over and sat on the floor. 

“Hi?” I heard Niall asked. “I’m looking for 2 blondes.”

“Well you came to the right place.” Tim said with his sass. “There just happens to be 3 blondes here.”

“Tim shut up and let them in.” I yelled from in front of the couch. 

Niall and his friend came walking in and stood around looking at everything. 

“You live here?” Niall asked surprised. 

“Is that a problem?” I said back. 

“No it’s just small.” He said

“You’re telling me.”

Niall walked around the couch and stood directly in front of me. He held his hand out so I could he could help me up and I just started at him. Paige kicked me in the back and let him help me.

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