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"My diamond why are you not sending anyone for me"

"I did but you weren't there to be retrieved so you are bound to that miserable planet"

"But my Diamond this is outrageous"

"No buts you will die with the earth as your punishment when the cluster emerges"

"Yes my diamond"

Jasper hung up the communication device. This is just what I needed I don't want to die not yet I have thousands of years ahead she thought as she looked down at the device. Out of pure rage she through it at the wall causing it to shatter. She took great pleasure imagining it was yellow diamonds gem meeting the cold hard wall of the cave she chose to stay in until she met up with the green nerd she had been sent hear with. She searched for her everyday she found a warp pad close by so she could go to gem destinations she explores new areas everyday in hopes of finding the peridot she was a singed to.

"Where do I go now what do I do?" She said out loud to herself. Now that she was alone she honestly missed the green twerp and even being trapped by lapis was better than this but atlas she was alone or at least she thought.

Steven walked into the cave his eyes stretching for a moment he thought he should run but he looked at her again. She looks sad he thought maybe I can try talking to her. Bravely he walked in front of her.


"Its its Steven I just have my moms gem"


"Its like the thing that takes care of its child and loves it only she's not here to do that"

"You mean she's dead"


"That's a disappointment before she started all of this she was a good warrior I respected her tactic's but then she started caring for this place and ruined my image of her".

"Actually if you really knew this planet and the life I think you could like it"



"Are you alone...Steven?"

"Yes are you going to hurt me"

"There's no point anymore I'm going to be here until I die when the cluster emerges"

"Oh we bubbled the cluster it can't harm the earth anymore so your going to be fine"*bright cute smile*

"Your just like Rose you even sort of look like her"

"How about you come with me you could join the crystal gems!!!"

"Why on earth would I want to do that"

"Well Peridot and Lapis did"

"Wait Peridot is with you guys now"


"I suppose I can come but what will your other gems think"

"I guess we'll find out"

"I guess we will".

"Pearl Amethyst Garnet Jasper is joining the crystal gems!"

Pearl was on the couch garnet stood next to it and amethyst was laying on the floor.

Pearl: no never that's a lie don't listen to her
Ame : whaaaaaaaa
Pearl: Garnet do something?!
Gar: Steven I trust you though sometimes you have troubles your normally right about things but if I get any major complaints I will deal with her.
Pearl: no-but-why Garnet
Gar : I have decided Pearl
Ame : where is she going to stay?
Steven: she can stay at the barn with Lapis And Peridot
Pearl :very well but take lion with you I don't want you alone with her until I know she's changed for certain
Steven :ok
Jasper: do I get any say in...
All gems:no

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