telling the crew

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"So Jasper when should we tell everyone?". "Next time we all meet or we could have Steven spread the news...but I think we otta do it". "Yeah". Peridot looked nervous she wanted to tell everyone as soon as possible. She felt like a heavy weight was on her shoulders. She walked over to Jasper pecking her on the cheek. Jasper smiled at that and set Peridot on her shoulders. "So what do you want to do first in honer of are new relationship?". Peridot looked down at Jasper. "Well ugh I don't know what do you think". "We should go tell everyone". "Ugh really Peri". "Yes we really should tell them I hate secrets". "Fine let's go or whatever". The two began to walk to the temple. It would be a while to get there on foot but beach with was small so not to long. It was about a 30 minute trip. When they finally arrived everyone was surprisingly home. They walked hand in hand to the door and knocked. Pearl answered the door. She looked at them in surprise then shock when she saw there hands. "Please come in" she said leading them to the couch. Peridot looked at it. She hasn't seen it in months it was so comfortable when she last slept on it. Gladly they both sat on it. Garnet and the rest of the gain came in to see there visitors. They too looked a bit surprised. "Your in love!?!". Steven yelled happily. "Well um yes?". Peridot looked a bit nervous. "I new it" Garnet said with a straight face. "My home girl got a lover ohhhh!!!!"Amethyst was excited. Pearl just starred for a moment. She then nodded her approval. Finally there was lapis she giggled a moment then walked over to Jasper. "If you hurt her in any shape way or form I will shatter you into nothing but fine dust but other than that good luck". Jasper looked a bit surprised but said nothing everyone seemed happy with it. When they left to go to the farm lapis left with them. They had many laughs on the way telling stories to pass the time. When they got home lapis stayed in the barn for the night they had fun gossiping playing games and telling fun or serious story's. Soon they grew tired and fell asleep it was the funniest day for them in a long time.

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