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OK guys I'm going to be at a place that doesn't have WiFi until Thursday so this will be the only part you get for a few days but no worries I'll be writing parts were I'm going so you'll have about 4 new ones on Thursday thanks for reading my story😐

Peridot laid out in the grass a few yards away from the barn her mind lost in thought. (Why is she being so nice to me). ( She's supposed to be mean that's what Jasper's are made for). (Why I the amazing Peridot new leader of the crystal gems gets such weird feelings around her I don't know). (Yes I like her now but I believe I like her like I like the Steven not the like like at least I hope not). (Were just Allies and nothing more Peridot stop thinking about this!?!). Peridot rolled over and let out a long unenthusiastic moan. "Ugh shut up Peridot your getting on my nerves". "How am I getting on your nerves I've done nothing stupid!". "You keep making annoying noises every 5 seconds of course your doing something!". "Don't raise your voice at me". "I can raise my voice if I want to!". "Urrrgh your so ignorant sometimes!". "Well sorry what else am I supposed to do I am the stupid one!". "Jasper your not stupid ". "Then what am I you and lapis always call me stupid everyone on homeworld probably thought the same I'm just for war and fighting and protecting and...". "Jasper your not just for that at least not anymore your on earth no one is in charge of you anymore your special now". "Your just lying to make me feel better". "No I like having you around I can really relate to you. We have been on homworld for a long time serving the same diamond. We got trapped here at the same time. Lapis I really enjoy her but she's been here far longer than we have. She's going on a different path than us and I can get that but you and me have so much in command its not even funny". Jasper sniffed a bit "are you sure?". "Yes Jasper I'm sure". Peridot jumped on a box so she could get to jaspers height. She wrapped her arms around the big gems neck and hugged her. Jasper just sat in confusion but eventually hugged the little gem back. "Can't...breath". "Oh sorry *giggles*". "Few its OK ". "Thanks for the stupid pep talk periwinkle". "Your welcome Jasper". The two looked into each others eyes for a long moment just the slightest blush at how close there faces were together. "Awwww you two are like best Budds now!". "Steven!" Both gems said in unison as the Yong quartz hybrid walked in. Immediately they parted both of there faces flushing. "What there's no crime in hugging you two". Steven hugged Peridot then Jasper's leg. Jasper lightly kicked him of her leg. "So uh why are you here?". "Well the crystal gens want me to check up on you three every so often". "Oh OK Steven"Peridot looked over at Jasper nervously. "Well how's it been lately?". Peridot spoke up "Well me and Jasper are teaching each other are skills". "That's great! What about Lapis". "Pffft that brat? Haven't talked to her in days". "Well I'm gonna go check on her OK see you soon". Steven left the two embarrassed gems alone. "Yo-you don't think he suspects anything do you Jasper?". "Suspect what" Jasper replied with a flirty smirk". "Ne-ne-nothing! Everything is perfectly fine everything's normal I don't know why you would ask that Jasper". Jasper picked up Peridot by the arm her hand grabbing her cheek. "I can ask what I want to ask". Peridot escaped the bigger gems grasp and ran out to the outer side of the barn a blushing mess. Jasper just giggled and laid on a stack of hay.

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