Chapter 6:

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Harry's POV: 

I followed her back to her house and now I am standing looking at a large house that would be close to looking like a mansion. The only person I've ever known to have a house big as this is Luke. And his is never in good shape with the amount of parties he throws in there. Her house is very well kept, flowers lining up the drive way small trees at the side of the house, and hedges neatly clipped surrounding the front garden. Her house is a million time better than mine and yet we still can barely afford that, I have to work a good bit in the bakery just to help Mum pay her bills. I'm hoping since Robin is marrying her I may be able to stop double shifts. 

 I walk inside behind her looking around the large hall, It had what looked like expensive vases with plants in them, the walls were made of stone and the floor marble. 

 "Zoe! Is that you? What do you want for dinner sweetie?" I hear coming from a room down the long hallway.

"Coming now!!" She shouts. "Follow me to the kitchen." She tells me and I do as I'm told.

"Oh, whos your friend?" She asks her surprised, obviously not expecting a guest.  

"This is Harry I'm tu... My friend" She smiles at me.

"Would he like to stay for dinner?" Her mother gestures. Zoe tilts her head at me as if to ask if I would like to.

"Why not" I say. It sure as hell will beat my Mums home cooked meals. Don't get me wrong I really like her cooking, most of the time, but I have a feeling these people will do a  much better job of home cooking.

"Great, dinner will be ready in forty minutes." She smiles brightly. Her family seems so happy. I start to wonder if this is what a normal family is like, I can hardly remember a time when my family was happy. My Mum and Dad divorced when I was seven, things really haven’t been the same since. I loved my dad but it was hard not getting to see him as much, but over the summer he had an accident and now I don't get to see him at all and never will. I never approved of any of the guys my Mum dated, I didn't like her going out with anyone but Dad. I threw a fit every time she went on a date and if things got serious I would try to chase them away like kids did in movies and try to get my parents back together. It never worked of course, I grew out of that, but even now I find it hard that she's marrying Robin so shortly after Dads death. I see now that my family could be happy if I just let it. It's my problems that’s causing the grief at home. I should stop taking it out on other people. I should give Robin a chance and that’s exactly what I'm going to do. 

Zoe walks down the hall, with me at her heels, and into what must be the sitting room. White walls and a snow white carpet with black furniture. A window that goes from the celling to the ground take up the whole wall at the side, letting in sunlight to brighten up the already bright room. I sit down on the couch and Zoe does the same, picking up the remote for her flat screen Tv and flicking through the channels. She finds some boring documentary that she finds interesting because she keeps it on. I stay silent most likely making this very awkward for her, She picks up her phone reading through her texts I think.

"Sugar! I forgot about Natasha! I left her waiting at the school for me since 5:30!" She exclaims. I can't stop myself from laughing.

"Forget it, she would of went home by now and she wouldn't of waited more then 10 minutes anyway." She puts her phone down and looks at me. 

 "How would you know?" She asks.

“Because she’s a bitch and doesn't like to be kept waiting." I state.

"Oh" Is all she says. I hear her phone going off once more.

 Zoe's POV:

"Because she's a bitch and doesn't like to be kept waiting." He says calmly. How would he know that she doesn't like to be kept waiting, did he keep her waiting? I start to feel this new emotion swelling up inside me. Is it jealousy? It can't be I don't like Harry in that way and never will I love Alfie and he loves me. I've never really had to feel jealous of much. I've only ever been jealous of Chloe and her close relationship with Alfie. Come to think of it I haven’t felt jealous of her in a while. "Oh" I manage to say before I let it sink into an awkward silence. I hear my phone beep from my pocket. I pull it out and read the text. 

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