Chapter 1:

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Zoe's POV:

I hear my annoying alarm going off, I try to ignore it and attempt to go back to sleep. I toss and turn thinking about going back to school tomorrow morning. I am to do my GCSE this year and when school starts I'm going to be wrapped up in my work. I want to make the most of my last day. I roll out of bed and grab my phone. I have two new messages. I read the first one, 

Alfie<3: Good morning Beautifulxx:) 

I can't help but smile down at the phone. I take a look at the second message from  Chloe, one of my closest friends. She asks if I want to go shopping today.  I agree wanting to do something with our last day. She texts back telling me to bring Alfie with me. I decide to get ready since I can't seem to get back to sleep. I pull open my  wardrobe looking for something nice to wear. I pick out a white shirt with black and white shorts. Bringing my clothes with me I head to my bathroom for a quick shower. 

 I throw my clothes on and put on a tiny bit of make-up not wanting to over do it. I brush and dry my hair then grab some jewellery from my box. I am ready to go and it's only 11:30. I still have an hour to kill. I turn on my TV watching reruns of friends, laughing at the funny lines until it's 12:15. It will take me a while to get to Alfies so I may aswell start now. I grab my pink purse and head down stairs and out the door. I turn right and begin my walk to Alfie's house. 

 My mind is over flowing with thoughts of this school year. I'm already stressing out and it hasn't even begun yet. I have to do well this year, I have to get good grades. I can't get distracted. I would like to be more like Chloe and Louise to be more laid back about this year but im not. I like to get perfect results not disappoint anyone. I feel like I have this pressure on me to be perfect and I can't shake it, but I also want to be.
   I am standing outside Alfie's door before I even realized it. I press the door bell making it chime and he opens the door. His hair in a slight quiff, wearing a white T-shirt with jeans and a brown jacket. He looks good.  

"Hey, babe" He says with a smile, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hey" I say as I reach up to kiss him on the cheek. Alfie and I have been together for over a year now. Hes kind of perfect for me. His grades are just as good as mine if not even better. My parents get along with his very well. I feel lucky to have him.

"We heading up to Chloe's, Yeah?" He asks taking my hand in his. I can feel the warmth of his hands and it feels nice.

 "Yep, then up to the centre." I say as he swings our arms back and forth. We talk about school and how hes looking forward to going back to see the friends he hasn't met up with over the summer. He talks about the GCSE saying that he has a good feeling hes going to do well in them.  I can feel the nerves I have form in the pit of my stomach.  I do not want to talk about them right now.

"What are you planning on getting today?" I question in an attempt to move on from the subject.  

"I don't really know, Im just going to have a look around." He answers.

"Is Louise coming?" I hadn't asked Chloe if she was or not. "I don't know. I'll ask Chloe when we get to her house." 

As we walk up to Chloe's house I see her sitting on her wall waiting for us. She had a really cute baby blue dress on.
"What took you guys so long huh?" She teases.

"We are just slow!" Alfie defends as they start to banter back and forth. Sometimes I kind of get jealous at the close relationship Chloe has with Alfie. She has known him alot longer than I have. I only moved to this town three years ago due to my Dad getting moved here for work. Chloe has been Alfies best friend since she was seven years old when she moved here from Ireland. I know I shouldn't be jealous of her, shes my friend, but I can't help it I would kill to have a friendship like she has with him. I am Alfie's Girlfriend so of course I am close to him, but when Chloes around I feel a bit of a burden.  

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