Chapter 11

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Zoe's POV:

"I had a great time tonight Harry." I tell Harry as we stand out side my house door.

"Me too, I really enjoyed myself. I'm surprised really." He smirks.

"And why is that?" I raise my eye brow.

"Because as you said it ypurself. You're boring." He laughs poking me.

"Of course I am" I smile.

"Would you like to come in for a bit?" I offer him. He runs his hand through his perfect curly hair, as if contemplating weather or not he should.

"Yeah, sure why not." The corners of his mouth lift into a dimpled smile. I fumble with my keys to open the door. Leading the way through the hall I switch on the light.

"Mum, Dad, I’m home! We have a guest!" I yell out but I get no answer. 

"Just go into the sitting room, you know where it is. I'll be back in a second." I tell Harry making my way to the kitchen. I spot a sticky note on the kitchen counter. 

Dear Zoe.

I'm sorry sweetheart, I know that it's late notice but your Dad and I have have been called away for work.There's some problem with your Dads work. Nothing to worry about, we'll get it all cleared up, in a few days. We won't be home until Thursday.  I've called Paige and she will be at the house tomorrow at 2pm. to look after you while I'm gone. I know you're too old for baby sitters but I think that until Thursday is too long for you to be on your own.  I just hope you see this note and are okay for just one night alone. 

Love your Mother x

She's so over protective oh my god. Of course I'll be fine for one night alone. I would of been fine until Thursday too. I like Paige though she's nice to hang out with. Paige is my dads younger sister. She usually takes me shopping or just spends time with me if I feel my parents aren't around as much as I want them to be. 

  I head back into the sitting room, to find Harry lying down on the sofa. 

"You comfortable?" I ask.

"Very, like to join me?" He laughs.

  "I would but you seem to be taking up the whole couch." I tease him and he pulls him self up. He sits at the edge of the sofa so I can sit.

"So what are we doing?" He asks me.

"I don't know, watch a movie I guess.  That's what I always do when there's nothing else to do." I tell him.

"Well, I'm not your precious Alfie, I'm not going to  watch some sappy love movie with you." He says getting up and looking through my family DVD collection.

"A scary movie." He grins holding up    'The Ring'.

"No no no, please.  I've never watched that movie. I don't want to." I panic.

"Ah come on, you never went on  a ferris wheel either until today. There's a first time for everything,  may aswell be now." He says already placing the DVD in the DVD player. He grabs the remote off the coffee table, hits the lights and presses the play button. Cue creepy music...

It's only started and I can feel the nervousness building up in my stomach. I don't like being scared.

The movie has me jumping and literally cowering behind Harry. 

When the movie ends, and we are left in a room of pitch darkness I start to feel absolutely terrified.  My mind is rushing through everything that happened in the movie. It starts telling that Samara is in the room with me, which is impossible but I can't seem to shake the feeling. 

"Right, time for me to head home." Harry stands up.

"No please,  don't leave me. No one is coming home tonight.  I'll be left all alone. I told you I didn't like scary movies and now I'm to scared to stay here by myself." I whine to him.

"Really? You want me to stay with you?" He asks confused.

"Yes please, I mean if it's okay with you and your Mum." Do I really want him to stay? I don't want to be left alone I'm too frightened to sleep. Yes. I want him to stay. He has a way of making me feel safe.

"Okay then. Where do I sleep?" He asks.

"The guest room, of course." I tell him.

"Okay lead the way" He says to me.

"Shouldn't you call your Mum and let her know where you are?" I ask him.

"Erm I don't really need to. I spend the night out a lot she's use to it by now." He explains,  I look away from him. I don't know why but that hurts, him spending the night out a lot doing god knows what to some whore. I shudder trying to push the thought away.

"Oh okay, I'll show you to ths guest room."

When Harry was shut in the guest room and I had changed out of my clothes and into my pyjamas, washed my face and brushed my teeth. It was time to switch off the light.

My hand hovers over the light switch.  it's silly to be scared of the dark. I never use to be, why should some stupid old movie change that?  I bulk up the courage and quickly flick my finger on the light switch instantly plunging my room into darkness. I run across the room and jump into my bed. I pull the covers over me, hiding beneath them. Peering around the room, my eyes play tricks on me.  Shadows around the room start to move, all freaking me out.

I sat there in silence just looking around and being piss scared for about an hour. I look in the darkest corner of my room which isn't the best idea I admit but I feel like there is something watching me. My eyes play more tricks on me and I swear there is something crouching in the corner. I'm officially 100% petrified. I can feel my heart beat racing and I feel like screaming but it won't come. I snatch my phone from my bed side locker and flash the light from it in the corner.  Nothing there, I sigh in relief.  I am not staying here I can't. I still feel like I'm being watched.  I shine the light on the floor, pulling the blankets off me and quickly dashing out of my room and into the upstairs hallway. I make a run for the guest bed room, and open the door. Shutting it closed behind me I turn around and am greeted with a groggily Harry.

"Zoe what is it, its like 2am." He says rubbing his eyes.

"I know I'm sorry. it's just...I'm too scared to stay in my room alone. I mean,  you know, I feel like there's someone or... something watching me... and" I stutter and stumble over my words.

"Come here." He pats the bed beside him. I crawl in beside him.

"Thank you. " I whisper.

"Now go to sleep. I'm fucking tired."

I snuggle up to him. He is warm and I'm cold so he feels nice. He smells wonderful too. I breathe in his scent. it's impossible to describe. Although I would never admit it to anyone it's my new favourite smell. Lying here beside Harry I feel safe.  I feel as if nothing can harm me when I'm with him. He will protect me.


Hey guys,  so its 2:33 am and I just thought I should write more of this. It's very dark and I think I just freaked myself out. I'm so smart.

Please vote and comment your thoughts.  I appreciate it:)

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