Chapter 13

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Zoe's POV

"I know, but seriously you and Scarlet have to come to my Halloween party! I've only just come here and you two are my only friends so far. It's a chance for me to get to know more people." Allison has been planning this party for the past two weeks. Ever since meeting Scarlet, The three of us have become really good friends. I help Scarlet with her Maths whenever I can, just as I promised the day we met. Harry seems to get on well with them. Which I'm glad about, because right now I need Harry. He has been a great help with dealing with my break up. Even if in Alfies mind he is the reason for our break up. I do not blame Harry in the slighest. I blame myself, for being stupid.

Alfie still refuses to hear my side of the story. So obviously, we still aren't talking. Chloe and I aren't on speaking terms either, and Louise well I still don't want to talk much to her. So for the last two weeks my usual group has consisted of Allison, Scarlet, Harry and Luke. I feel like I've made better friends this time around. It's not like I don't miss Chloe, Louise and Alfie. it's just the fact that they don't all revolve around the same person. All my old friends were closer to Alfie then they were with me. So as soon as Alfie and I broke up, I was left with no one. Luckily I had Harry, and now I've made some new friends and I couldn't be happier with them.

I haven't told Allison or Scarlet anything about Alfie and what had happened. I don't want to burden them with my problems, and besides we've only been friends two weeks. I always found friend ships like these weird. Friendships where people you have just met automatically feel like your best friends. Thats exactly what these girls feel like to me. It's strange how well we all clicked.

"Yeah, sounds like fun! I haven't got anything planned for Halloween. So why not." I say to her. I'm actually excited for this party. Halloween for me was usually going to Chloe's with Alfie and Louise and watching Horror movies in fancy dress costumes. Nothing exciting but of course when was my life ever exciting. This year is different, this year I just want some fun. This year I have no Chloe, Louise or Alfie.

"I'm up for that, definitely want to go" Scarlet smiles grabbing a chip from her lunch tray.

After school I end up taking Scarlet and Harry to my house for double tutoring. I know Harry doesn't need tutoring he is actually smart and he's doing a lot better in school now. He's working harder, I don't know if it's because I'm a better influence on him than all his other friends but lately he has been hanging out less and less with them and more with me. Luke is the exception as I really like him and will gladly hang out with him.

While I am trying my hardest to teach Scarlet some algerbra, which she is still absolutely clueless about Harry just lies around singing random songs. I think he just uses the tutoring as an excuse to spend more time with me because he really doesn't need it. I like that he does because to be honest I use it as an excuse too. Ever since the break up Harry and I have been becoming closer and closer in the short space of time.

"Harry, you're a seriously good singer." Scarlet points out. Harry mutters his thanks awkwardly, as he doesn't know what else to say. "Scarlet, stop getting distracted please, you're supposed to be solving this question." I say pointing to the page. She sticks her tongue out at me playfully. Harry really is a good singer I really want to hear more but I know he won't sing for me. He seemed so awkward accepting the compliment, he attracts the slightest attention and it's silences him.

"Okay, I've had enough of this shit! Let's talk about the party. Who did Alison say was coming? " Scarlet exclaims. I am getting quite sick of maths and I guess shes learned enough for today. "No, but she said everyone's invited, she wants to get to know more people or something. She told me to invite anyone I wanted." I explain. "only problem is I don't have anyone else to invite."

"She said the same to me. I invited just a few friends." Harry shrugs his shoulders. "Who?" I ask instantly. "Just like Louis and Zayn, not to much." He replies. I know Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik to see, but I've never talked to either of them.That Zayn kid intimidates me, he has lots of tattoos for his age.

"Zayn? He's coming? He's really hot!" Scarlets eyes light up. "So that's the type of guy you're into. The ones with millions of tattoos." I chuckle. "Well not normally, but they.... suit him" She blushes. "Just to let you know Scar, I think he has a girlfriend. Becca something or other" Harry speaks up. "Um.. yeah I know."

Scarlet stutters.

"Hey, guys dinners nearly ready." My aunt Paige pokes her head around the door to inform us this. "Yeah we'll be out in a few." I say to her and Harry, Scarlet and I start to pack away all of Scarlets books and stationery.


After dinner we ended up all going to Scarlets house, she is now holding us hostage and refusing to let us go home. She has laid out a few sleeping bad and bankets on thd couch. Luke and Alison are also being held hostage here.

"Scar you could of just planned this with us, instead of kidnapping us." Alison complains. I am content with this plan, I don't mind staying over. I've never had a sleep over with this many people before.

"I'm good with it, as long as I get to help myself to all your food." Harrys face grew into his dimpled smile and I can't help but blush. He is extremely attractive when he smiles like that.

"Whatever Styles but keep some for the rest of us." Scarlet smirks

"Okay guys, so tomorrow how about we all go costume shopping for the party!" Scarlet exclaims. I do need a costume for this party, as I really don't have any. It would also be a good day out with everyone. I look around for ensurance too see if anyone else was for this plan. Alison nods in agreement to Scarlett. "Yeah might as well." I smile to her.

"Boys?" Scarlet raises her thick eye brow.

"Not a chance. You're already pushing it with this sleep over shit. No way am I going shopping with you all, just a bit too much for me. Sorry Scar." Luke holds up his hands shaking his head frantically.

"what about you Harry?" Scarlet pouts, she already knows the answer. we all know the answer.

"Heck no! Do you actually expect me to dress up in anything for this party? Not going to happen. Sorry to disappoint."


I am so so so sorry, I haven't updated in a while. I'm trying my best to get all my school work out of the way. My house got broken in too, they burglars cut the telephone wire meaning I had no Internet and When I finally got it fixed they did it again. They still haven't been caught and yeah basically I've been a bit busy with everything and I'm sorry to bore you with this A/N and with boring details of my life. I just wanted to let who ever is reading this story know why I haven't updated and that I have not forgotten about this story. I will start on a new chapter right away. Thank you, I love you all xx

ps I know it's a short chapter and I'm sorry. The next one will be longer I promise.

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