Chapter 2:

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Zoe's POV: 

I pull on my neatly ironed uniform, pulling my skirt down below my knees. I tie my hair up into a pony tail to keep it out of my face. I wash my face, brush my teeth and fix my makeup. I slip on my shoes and wait down stairs. Soon enough the school bus rolls up outside my gates. I grab my bag and close the door behind me. I hop on and find my seat beside Alfie, across from us Louise and Chloe.
"So how was shopping. Disappointed that I couldn't go." Louise pouts.

"It was fun, got a few new clothes." I laugh. "Why couldn't you come?" I ask. I was going to ask Chloe yesterday but it seems like I forgot.

"I had to baby-sit, Tiyanna" Tiyanna is her younger sister who she is always complaining about having to mind her.

"Oh, I wish you went." I really don't know what else to say.

The ride was short and was filled with mindless chat of no importance. When we get to the school I walk through the doors and unload some books into my empty locker. I have no idea what my timetable will be like, what classes I got into, who my teachers are, or who I'm going to be stuck in a class with for the next school year. I head to a school assembly held in the gym. I sit in between Chloe and Alfie, as usual.

The head principal rambled on about how he would like this year to run and a speech for all those in year eleven who are to take the GCSE's on how important it is to get good grades, all this I already know.

"This is getting boring huh?" Alfie whispers to me and wraps his hand around mine playing with my thumbs.
"Hmm." I hum in agreement watching his and my hands intertwine. He smiles at me, my stomach has butterflies. Every time he smiles at me like that I smile back without even knowing it.

When it was time to leave the gym we all had to find our time tables. I flick trough the piles of paper looking near the end to find mine. I pull it out and look at it thoughtfully. I got in to all the classes I wanted all at a higher level. Satisfied with my classes I head to my first one, which was English. I love English it's my favourite subject. I love reading I could read forever given the right book.

I find the class room easy enough and take a seat up the front. I look around to see who's in my class. I spot Louise walking through the door, Thank god im not alone.

" Glad to see me I assume." She teases and plops herself down in the chair beside me.

"As always" I chuckle. We check our tables to see if we share any other classes. We find that we have Business and History together. Only one of which I will be sitting the exams for.
A few more people join the class who I take no notice to until the boy with the curly hair from yesterday walks in. Questions rush to my mind. How is he in higher English? Why is he hanging with them brain dead soon to be drop outs then? Is he actually smart? He must be if he’s here. He must of realized I was staring because he looks over and raises an eyebrow at me.

There is no seat left but the one that is directly behind me. He made his way over and pulls out the chair scraping it off the floor to sit himself down. He lays back in his chair lazily. His soft curls brushing the top of his forehead, His sparkling, green eyes looking overly annoyed at something, his uniform shirt sticking out from under the jumper. He's very attractive, just not my type. Not my type at all.

Our new English teacher walks through the door sets her paper work on the desk. Asking for our summer reports. I take my folder out from my bag and place it on my desk for her to come around. She takes mine up and looks trough it briefly.
"Wow, you got lots more done than the rest of them. What your name again?" She asks.

"Zoe Sugg" I reply. I hear a chortle from behind me. I choose to ignore it as the teacher moves on to the rest of the class.

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