Chapter 3:

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Zoe's POV:

It's the next morning of school and I head to the office to drop off my slip for tutoring. It may be some extra work but I'm willing to do it.  I pull out my planner to check what I have now. I find that I have Business. I make my way to the class room. A bright smile crosses my face as I see Alfie. At least I have a class with him, I take the unoccupied seat beside him.

"Good morning babe." He smiles.

"Morning, I'm so glad we have this class together!" I say in relief.

"Yeah me to, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have any classes with you." He laughs.

The Business teacher storms into the room hands us sheets to work on, he tells us to use the information from last year and sits at the top of the room at his desk.

"Slugg give us a pen would you?" I hear from behind me. I automatically know who it is. What, is he like is all my classes now or something?

 "You never seem to have a pen do you." I sigh.

"Nope." He replies popping the P.
"My name's not Slugg" I say handing him a pen.
 "I know" Is all he says as he takes the pen off me. Wait a minute he never gave me back the other pen. What did he do with that one. I keep it to myself not wanting to start bickering again. Alfie gives me a confused look. "What?" I ask.

"Um.. Nothing" he lies.

"I can tell it's something Al, just tell me." He lowers his voice.

"No. It's nothing really. It's just that Harry kid is a dick head and always has been. Just didn't think you would talk to someone like that is all." He explains.
"I don't! Not much anyway." I defend.

"Good." He continues on with his work.

School seemed short today, it flew by. I say my goodbyes to Alfie. He give me a swift kiss and hes on his way home. I have to stay back to find out who I’m tutoring. I head down the long hall way and into assembly room. I stand with a few of the students who signed up for this and sitting in rows of chair were students who needed help with their subjects. I'm handed a peice of paper with two names written on it. The two people I will tutor in my year. One is Natasha Grimes. I have never spoken to her before so I don't know what she’s like. Well I guess I'm going to find out. The other is Harry Styles. I don't believe this! Im stuck with him. I've only ever briefly talked to him and I already do not like him.   

This put me in a bad mood. It is going to ruin the rest of my day. "You are to start tomorrow after school meet in the room they have assigned to you on your sheet." The staff yell out. They tell us that after the first tutoring meeting you don’t have to keep using the room, that you can go to their houses or them go to ours or even meet in a coffee shop.  I rush down the hall to my locker fumbling with my keys to open it. I grab my books for homework and head out the door. I see my Mum waiting for me in the car. I’m glad she came to pick me up, I am not in the mood for walking home with my thoughts. I don't know why I'm so upset. I don't know why I loath this guy so much. He didn't do much to me, but he did beat up a guy in front of me. He didn't know I was there tough... He calls me "Slugg." I can hate him for that right? He slack off in higher level classes. He never does homework. He hangs around with drugies and party clowns. Although I've never seen him smoke around school or take anything but I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.  I jump into the passenger seat of my Mums car.

"What wrong hun you seem down?" She asks. She knows me too well. She can always tell when something is up with me. I started to rant about my encounter with Harry and how I’m stuck tutoring him now, for what seems to be few seconds but ended up being the whole journey home. Mum didn't interrupt at all, she just listened to me rant on and on about this idiotic guy! we continue into the house and she gives me comforting advice such as; "You don't know him, Give him a chance maybe he won't be so bad.",  which I didn't find very comforting. Still she made me feel a small bit better getting all that off my chest.

I head upstairs to do my homework.  I take out my English and Business books, being the most important subjects I have, I pursue to write. My phone buzzes and bounces on my bedside locker. I snatch it off and slid my thumb over the screen to unlock it.  I read the message that came up.

Alfie<3: want to come down to mine for a little while? xxx

I smile to myself. It would keep my mind off having to tutor tomorrow. I should have never signed up. I dance my fingers over the screen of my phone texting him back.. 

Me: Okay baby<3 Just give me an hour and I'll be there:) xx

I jot down the rest of my Maths questions. I change out of my uniform and let my hair down. Rain starts to pelt off my window. Of course it would rain.  In annoyance I march down stairs and ask Mum for a lift.  She wouldn't send me walking in the rain, when it's this cold. I hope... 

It’s around 7:00pm and I'm left outside Alfie's house. I run up to the patio I get my hair slightly wet, and watch my Mum drive off. I ring the doorbell waiting to be let in. Alfie opens up pulling me into a hug. He leads me into his sitting room by my hand.

"Hey babe, so who’s your tutor group" He smiles.

"Don't even get me started." I huff.

"That bad huh? who are they?" He asks.

"Well I don't mind Natasha, but Harry Styles seems like someone who is going to make things very difficult for me." I sigh.

"Oh, He most likely will from what he's like.." He scratches the back of his head. I can't shake the feeling theres some sort of tension over Harry he's not telling me.

"Is there something going on with him that I don't know, like you seem to really dislike him..." I question him curiosity getting the better of me.

"He played my cousin for a while last year and left her heart broken. I just still have a grudge over it seeing how upset she was over him."  He explains.  I don't know what to think of this new information. I'm not surprised or phased by it. I should care more but it was last year. She has to be over it by now.  We turn on the Tv and watch more reruns of Friends. We sit watching the one where Phoebe gets married. One of my favourite episodes. I cuddle up to him as we laugh along to the show. 

Two and a half episodes later, I hear a car honking from outside. Its my Mum.

"Look, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow." I go to get up, but he grabs my wrist pulling me back down. His hands cups my face and his soft lips smash against mine. When he pulls away his hands slide down off my face and back on to his laps.

"Bye babe, See you tomorrow. Good night beautiful." He winks as I rush out the door to an impatient mother. I can't wait to get home to bed! School really takes it out of me.

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